Dec 09, 2006 22:48
So for those of you that actually read these, I have updated my page for something new.. I didn't really like the last theme and I was actually looking for something christmasy, but it didn't come to me, so instead I changed it to distorted (because that's how I feel right now) and the emotion buddy's at the bottom are stars..they're sorta christmasy..they're on the top of your tree!.. anyway as for exams, 1 more left on monday and then I'm finally done! phew! It's also starting to finally look like Christmas at my house.. my mom and I spent today cleaning and decorating! Now when I'm studying (cramming) tommorow I won't feel like there's still so much more christmas to be done.. even though I still have christmas stuff to get and make.. eeps.. kinda wish I worked during exams because then I could be making money! aarg money, what a stupid invention! Anyway, my blogs will get more interesting as the holiday's progress (I hope)and I have time to actually do more than study and procrastonate :p.. I can't spell either.. anyway now I'm listening to my friends' radio show on they're called alphabet soup and they rock every saturday 10-12 :D just a little promoting I know.. anyway keep checkin, or visit my myspace!