I came upon this channeled missive and found it powerful and inspiring to me. I hope it moves you as it did me...
Rasha speaks:
The intension is set and with it comes the all so familiar feeling of melting into communion with Oneness. Only a fraction of a second passes now....
Oneness is fully Present in form:
...and We Are This once more. In an instant, the shift has taken place now. The Presence in the body is that of the expanded Source We have come to know as “Oneness.” Yet, it is a state of Self-recognition that takes place now, rather than a sense of a separate presence identifying something that it considers to be other than itself. It is Awareness, turned inward upon itself, that is experienced in this moment. A state of Self-Awareness centered in the Here and Now, within the context of form.
It is the possibility of this same Self-Awareness that beckons to all in these times. Not only to the relatively few who have made the commitment to the spiritual focus that transforms the phenomenon perceived as “life” into one that ceases to be recognizable. This flicker of Self-Awareness nudges you all from within now. It hints at a possibility for which there is no frame of reference, and no sense of direction. And most are only marginally aware that something absolutely remarkable has, in fact happened. Most are still too consumed in the mundane chatter that clutters the mental circuitry to notice the inner voice that has begun to call: Be Still ...and simply Be Present.
For others, a delicate balancing-act begins to evolve that enables those who have come into Awareness to continue to function in the outer world, as the pathways to the realms within continue to deepen. And this netherworld between the material and the spiritual aspects of Self recognition commands one’s focus of attention ...and hints of a profound sense of clarity that remains just out of reach.
And so it will remain for you who know the truth of who you Are ...philosophically; you, who have read the books, and attended the workshops and seminars that are calculated to point you in a direction that is actually well known to you. You ask yourself, from time to time: what’s missing? Why has the spiritual attainment you have been told is your birthright, continued to elude you? Why do you continue to hover between two worlds ...knowing you are not fully invested in either of them?
So long as there is credence given to a focus on the material, and an expenditure of attention made in the comings and goings of the illusory drama you think of as your life, you will continue this hovering. It is a sense of being tantalizingly close to something that is yearned for inwardly, and at the same time, not dared to be hoped for by the logical mind.
It is a bit like indulging fully in the aroma of a wonderful meal, without sitting down to eat it. And so, you continue to sniff ...and to salivate. And to tell yourself that you’re much too busy with your worldly commitments to sacrifice the time. You hedge your bets. You play at being spiritual ...going through the motions of spiritual activities while a world of wonder continues to wait within you.
The energies that surround you are building rapidly now. And they are calculated to nudge you ever closer to your consummate destination. This calendar year that has just begun will bear witness to an unprecedented upsurge in the force that propels all Creation toward a consummate state of Self-Recognition. The floodgates of Divine Life energy have begun to open now. And those of you who are prepared to surrender fully to the invitation it bears will be carried effortlessly to a heightened level of Beingness that is indeed your birthright. Those who continue to resist the impetus of change that drives these forces will experience continued uncertainty and a prolonged sense of struggle with the mundane issues that continue to command your every waking moment.
Know this: Life is not meant to continue as it has been. Now the moment has come for a total shift in your relationship to Living. It is one that does not sacrifice your aliveness, as you lay to rest much that once seemed meaningful to you, but enhances it exponentially.
You are as a seed that has only known darkness. You are driven, with propulsion that is incomprehensible yet cannot be denied, to continue embodying a momentum that seems to have been programmed into your very being. And you haven’t a clue how very close to the surface that separates the worlds you actually are. All you have to go on is an instinctive sense of trust in a process that quite possibly makes no sense at all. You are the seed that has become the sprout. You trust. For in the depths of your eternal Being ...you know. Something unimaginable is about to happen. And life as you know it may never be the same again. You really are that close. And the moment of daybreak is right on the horizon.
This New Year is unlike the others that may have gone before. For this is a threshold defined by an unprecedented sense of immediacy ....of Nowness. All can sense it. And some attune themselves instinctively to the momentum of change it heralds for the days soon to come.
Now is the time to allow one’s focus of awareness to shift ever-inward.
Now is the time to relinquish one’s grasp on the illusion of security that one is conditioned to seek in the familiar. Now is the time to trust in something deeper ...something that calls to you from the epicenter of your very own being: Stop. Stop all this incessant running and doing. And simply Be Here.
Who you are becoming is programmed within you. It is a momentum that is unstoppable. And attempts to resist that inevitability will only prolong the sense of being neither here nor there, but suspended in a netherworld that hovers between what once was valid, relevant and meaningful ...and is no longer ...and what is yet to be.
This time of New Year is a line of demarcation for many. It marks a turning point in a process that is actually timeless. This is the crossroads in time/space that you were programmed to encounter. This is the place where you encounter the invitation to journey forth on a road less traveled ...a road soon to be discovered by all.
The surge in the energies that define this time of new beginnings has swept you up into the arms of this Now moment. It is an instant of transition and of transformation. Not simply within the depths of each of you, but in the manifestation of the world that reflects who you are ...collectively. You chose this incarnation in order to be present, experientially, as part of this monumental turning point in the history of humankind.
You are here to add your own resonance to an equation that has far-reaching significance, not simply for this time and place you think of as the Here and Now of your world ...but throughout all Creation. You chose to be part of this. For at the level of awareness that represents who you truly Are, you knew that this would be a turning point, at a soul level, that was not to be missed.
Now is the time to focus upon that inner knowingness. Now is the time to consider carefully the distractions that keep you bound in circumstances you have outgrown and which no longer serve the higher expression of who you really Are. Now is the time to come home to yourself. To ask the big questions. And to recognize that the answers are already there.