Today, I got up at 6:45 in the AM. It was ridiculous. However, it was for a darn good reason. Laura picked me up at 7:15, and we went back to that foul, disgusting hovel known as OLENTANGY HIGH SCHOOL. It was actually really great at first; everything was so familiar...The first person we see/recognize is Mrs. Canfield, the very teacher we were there to see. Every year, Mrs. Canfield (senior English teacher) has her previous year seniors come back and answer college questions for her current seniors. The fist thing she says to me is "Madison! Where's the cow?" (...I'll explain later. It has to do with It was hi-larious. Then we answered the same questions over and over again for about 4 periods; it was really great to hear other kids' college horror stories. Only about 15 people were there at a time, but I saw a few of really good friends that I miss. Um...we went over to see Mr. Myers, ONLY TO DISCOVER that he wasn't there. MASS STRUGS. I called him and he was all like "Oh, woe is me, I had a wrestling tournament today..." and I was all like "Um, 'SCUSE ME?? Since when is wrestling more important than ME?" and he's all like "Never...but I didn't know you were me Monday. We'll hang out." and I was like "Dat's cool, bro. Catch ya on the flip side. Peace out." Yup. That's definitely EXACTLY how the conversation went. Ask Laura. She was there. She'll vouch for me. Yo.
Um...visited lots of teachers...saw lots of still surprises me to no end the huge amount of people that love me. My entire upper body is bruised due to the amount of hug attacks that I recieved today. Seriously, I walked in the band room door, and that was as far as I got for 10 minutes. People just kept coming and coming and hugging and hugging. It was great. It's nice to have a legacy.
After that, Laura and I went to Panera. Let me tell you, not only does Panera have delicous food, but Laura is goooood company. Seriously, I have such a good time hanging out with her. Makes me wish I could do it far more often. *sheds a tear* We had great great fun. Um...then I went home and played URU. YESSSSS. I'm finally getting somewhere in it. I was stuck for so long...and now...*sigh of happy* Just as I had linked to this new and amazing place, I hear "Helloooo..." coming from somewhere in the house. As it turns out, a burglar had gotten in and wanted to know where I kept the leftovers. So I showed Charlotte to the fridge and fed her. We talked and 'twas much fun. I miss her muchly as well. She couldn't stay for long; she just popped in for a bite to eat and a chat. Oh, and to take back her art barbies. And the troll.
Um...played Uru for some more...yaaaay...quit at 4, but "Two Guys and a Girl" wasn't on today. So I continued playing Uru until 6, when I rushed all 20 VHS tapes back to Mr. Lutz at school, and was loved on by people some more. Then I rushed over to Amul India and had dinner with mom, Dad, Aunt Patty, and a friend of hers...I forget her name. It was deeeeelicious. I love that restaurant. Dad left halfway through to go take more pictures of the Balletmet Nutcracker...wonder how Dan's doing...anyway.
After dinner, I went over to Erin's house. On the way, I talked to Nate. I miss him so much. He was supposed to be home tonight, but he was too tired to drive. This would be considered silly, seeing as it wasn't late at all, but the fact is that he hasn't slept for more than 3 hours in the past three days - and that's just adding up the catnaps he's had. I am so, SO proud of that kid. THREE DAYS?? That is so awesome I can't believe it. Of course, I'm certainly not CONDONING such behavior, or saying that it's healthy...but THREE DAYS?? That blows MY record out of the water and I still have yet to stay up for 48 hours. Ah well, I've still got two more quarters to achieve this...
Nate and I also talked about a lecture his teacher gave him today...Nate had procrastinated on his final project, and his teacher was really really disappointed. He said "You have more talent than all of the other people in this class...and they kicked your butt on this project." Basically, he told Nate that if he tried, really tried, he would be amazing, probably one of the best kids in the school, and he would get noticed by some of the top movie companies in the country. I told him, I know. I've been telling you this for years. You're amazing. But I'm glad that someone in the actual profession is finally telling you this. He's...he's so good. He really is. He's an amazing artist, and...I know he's going to be so great. So great...with the way he loves God more than anything, and the mind-numbing talent that he has been blessed with...
Um...anyway. Showed up at Erin's house, and crazy loved on again...Erin ran up and gave me my Christmas present. It was a CD case SHAPED LIKE A COW HEAD. And, inside in the middle, WAS IT'S TONGUE. And, on the tongue, WAS A BAR OF GODIVA CHOCOLATE. *faints* Best present EVER. God, I love my friends.
I talked to her mom for a while (who also told me how much she loved me and how wonderful I am), and then we all watched The Chronicles of Riddick. It was pretty good; I didn't understand some of it; I need to see Pitch Black. But what I DID get was that THE GIRL'S NAME WAS JACK. I'm very upset. You know, you THINK you're being original, but you FAIL. She was really cool, too - although, in this movie, she changed her name to Kyra. I thought she was a great character. But !#%$^#^!!!!!! Jack was MINE. Oh well.
P.S. Life status : Ungrounded