Okay...I WILL WRITE ABOUT THIS NOW. Even though I'm not really in the mood. (Sorry about the length...this is mostly for ME to remember this trip, so if you REALLY don't want to read it, that's fine - it's rather entertaining, though.)
I went to Chicago with the Katz family (what other family would drag me with them to anywhere public?). On Friday, I went to the Katz's, and with all John's stuff piled so high in the back of the minivan it threatened to gobble up Hanna and I, the Mother, and John, we pulled out (to the joyous sight of Mr. Katz doing the Yatta dance...*entire world collectively shudders...*). Dan was, of COURSE, still asleep. I don't think that boy has even SEEN 10:30 AM.
Anyway, the first few hours down were quite eventful. There was the play-by-play of the speeding cars: us, and the Heep (which later became the Jonda). After we stopped to get pottied, we get some milk and some cinnabon things, which I don't think we ever ate. At the next rest stop, I find that the milk has leaked onto my sandal, so I walk into the mall-like rest stop barefeeted, carrying my sandals, and wash them in the bathroom. Then I hop around the place with one shoe. I think everyone thought I was a bum, or disabled and crazy. Meh.
By the time 3 PM rolled around, we were all kinda tired of being in the car. Dan and Father Katz, however, were just on their way to Chicago, and would arrive there in an hour - by PLANE. *mutters inane and pointless curses* :shakefist: Anyway, after some hefty rush-hour-in-downtown-Chicago traffic, and some even heftier cussing and raging by John (who was driving), we arrive at our hotel, The Allerton. I think I saw Dan first. It made me smile, because A) it's generally nice to see Dan because he's great, and B) he was wearing this really awesome jacket and carrying around a root beer bottle, and from the back he looked like a really high-class bum - like the British ones that go "Shine yo' shoes, guvnah?" Plus he was dancing around in a jig-like manner. So huzzah. We unload our bags (no help from the jigging bum, of course) and drag them up to the room. Hanna and I had our own suite, which was SWEET. The rest of them shared. HA.
Um...after we got in the rooms, Dan, Hanna, the Mom and I went to H&M for to do some shopping of the clothing variety. I normally hate this, but I didn't hate it at H&M. They have decent clothing, AND it fits, AND the way Hanna shops is great: buy it all, try it on at home, take back what doesn't fit. No in-store trying on stuff! I wish that I could have bought all guys' clothes, but my mom would have murdered me. Or at least not paid for any of it. So I only got ONE guy's thing. Poor Dan didn't find anything - except the most AWESOME hat. It was one of those ones...you know...I forget what they're called. They're the ones that the boys wear in "Newsies". The Brooklyn guy wears one. Yeah. That one. It was so awesome I almost sneezed. It made perfect the British Bum look - which is actually a very good look for Dan.
THEN we went back and went to P.F. Chang's. Woo hoo. They have good tea. And a really great "Great wall of Chocolate". The double great is intended. Um...we ate that back at the hotel and watched...um...I think that was the Indiana Jones/comic book/video game night. Dan, John, Father-figure and I all sat there and talked for about an hour or so about the above topics, and it was REALLY cool. Dan = Sonic God. John = pervert. "I just knew I'd get you on my bed eventually." :stab:
The next day was...eventful. Hanna and I got up at 9 (I had one of the best sleeps EVER and woke up 5 minutes before the alarm), tired on all our clothes, went to breakfast with the Mother, and OFF TO THE SIGHTS! We three went to the history museum and saw the "Forbidden City" exhibit...it was really awesome. All this stuff from China's emperor days...including this 3' x 2' tall carved thing of JADE. It was all very expensive and cool. Then we went to the gift shop, and I foolishly talked myself into buying $10-each stone coasters, with the Chinese symbols for "Love" and "Peace" on them...if you don't get why, you shall be slapped. Hanna got a neat-o chinese scarfy thing that she wore the other day. Quite superb. Then Hanna and I went off to the aquarium, where we sat for about 45 minutes waiting for a dolphin show. It was fun. We also saw some froggies, some weeeeird fish, otters, beluga whales, seals, AND AN ANACONDA THAT I WANT TO STEAL. Omigosh, I love it so much. *drool* Nevermind that it would kill me. I WANT IT (along with Doc Ock, and the Predator). After that we taxied to Millenium Park and took pictures - Hanna is so awesome at taking pictures of fountainy-types and scenery-types! You should go look at her stuffs (
THEN we walked back to the hotel (and saw those street performers who pretend they're statues, protesting for gay marriage...they were both women, one in a white wedding gown and face painted white, and one in a black tuxedo-skirt, face painted black) and went to dinner at the Grand Lux cafe. It was FABULOUS. Fabulous, I tell you! The appetizers alone were better than...um...pickles. And the STEAK! Oh my goodness, let me tell you about the steak: IT WAS GOOD. Hanna got chicken parmesan with a piece of chicken so big that she could have used it as a hat, and John got a ridiculously huge amount of "fried chicken", which was really just fantasticly good chicken fingers. The dinner topics included the following: John and Dan making terribly lame food puns (I believe "ketchup" was used three times in the same way...and "fork you" was a favorite); Dan and I making jokes based on internet conversations; and everyone's personal favorite, John making Madi REALLY uncomfortable and weirded out (with Dan helping out - albeit accidentally :threaten:) The Mother even managed to make Dan and Madi very uncomfortable and weirded out. Too bad we couldn't have just *annihilate -ed ourselves...
It was all very fun (although had he been close enough, I would have punched John a whole lot) - and desert was delightful: the Chocolate Bomb, which was a brownie-like substance with a melted chocolate innard. MMMMMMM.
After that, we all went on a jolly walk (although Dan was doing some odd jiggity-jump walk, to our great amusement) to Millenium park, where Hanna and I had taken fun pictures at earlier (which you will see later). There are two main awesomeities that I would like to touch upon: the metal sculpture (
http://www.millenniumpark.org/sbcplaza.htm), and the Crown Fountain (
http://glasssteelandstone.com/BuildingDetail.php?ID=640) (Be sure to read the descriptions). We stopped at both, but the most fun was had at the fountain. As can be seen in the picture, there are the two big fountains, and on the sides facing eachother, there are faces. But on the rest of the sides, there are just lots of brick-looking things, and the whole fountain changes colors. We went up to them, took a good look, and decided that pictures must occur. Dan was wearing his jacket and his new hat, and we took silhouetes of him in front of the bright fountain. We then went over to the Jay Pritzker pavillion, which is an outdoor concert venue that's really cool - just a stage, with some seating up front, and then a big huge grassy knoll for which to sit upon. While we were there, some fireworks started occurring for no reason. I had gotten separated from the Katz-types, and ended up next to some strangers. I didn't even notice them there until one came up to me and said "Hey, do you see those fireworks over there?"
Thinking what a stupid question that was, I pleasantly replied "Yes."
"Why are they there?"
"Um...I have no clue." I had concluded from this conversation that this guy was weird. This was confirmed when he went back to his group o' strangers and one said "Maybe it's 'cause we won the war." Then another said "We won? Let's have pancakes!"
After locating the Katz's on a bridge, we went back to the fountains and had fun. Daniel began to do his jumpy-jiggy-thingy in the fountain itself, and I tried to take pictures. Apparently, people were cheering him on (as well they SHOULD - Dan is SO COOL!!!). Then his mom went to join him and they did some swing-dancing and some tango-ing, all in front of this big, tall, lit-up fountain. It was so hilarious! Then Hanna went up and danced with Dan much in the same manner - it was so-o-o-o neat. I took forever taking one last photo of them posed in front of the fountain (which WILL be up here later). It was such a wonderful evening that it's hard to describe it. Part of it was our surroundings, which were lovely, and part of it was the general kindness of the general public, and another part was the gorgeous weather that night, and part of it was the company we had with eachother. It was so...I dunno. Like Hanna said, it was very dreamlike. I was sorry, very sorry, to see it end. We went back to the hotel and watched some TV (Naked Gun 2 1/2), and then went off to bed.
Talking about Saturday night was basically the reason I wrote this...sooo...On Sunday we ate breakfast, the father flew home, and D-M-H and I went back to H&M and returned stuff, and Dan bought an awesome jacket (biker meets Fonzi?). (Dan, the Mom and I were in the girls' pants section, and I looked up to find Dan solid as stone, his gaze directly and unwaveringly staring at the girls' undergarment section. He didn't move or blink for about 30 seconds, and then I couldn't hold it any longer and started to snicker. He blinked, shook his head, and then looked at me like he just realized where he was, smiled and said "Oh, sorry...guy moment." That entire incident made me laugh very hard and very long. At least he admits things like that - I respect him more for it. Like this one time when...um, wait - I don't think I'm gonna tell that story. But when he has "guy moments", he doesn't deny everything or look stupid for trying to pretend like it didn't happen - he sucks it up and admits it. Good for him. 30 points.) Then we drove home, and had hamburgers.
BEST TRIP EVER. I really REALLY want to go again, but I have a feeling I'm rather expensive: another mouth to feed, and body to buy a hotel room for. But I hope they know I had a GREAT time. I've told them enough times. They should know.
P.S. Download "Chance for the Chancers" by Poor Old Lu