There is a new Bujold novella out and nobody mentioned it to me! Knife Children, a Sharing Knife sequel or epilogue, a sweet little tale about Barr and his daughter. I inhaled it and am reminded of how much I love the Sharing Knife series, every bit as much as I love the Vorkosigan series. They do different things, and TSK is such a gorgeous world, I love spending time in it. And now I'm going to have to go back and reread the whole series. I often do in the spring, it feels like a spring series somehow, I think it's because of the setting of the last book. Anyway, that was a good thing to find yesterday.
And on the general theme of spring, or end-of-winter, I am going to go out today and plant another plum tree, a cherry tree, some raspberries, currants and a loganberry. I've never tried growing loganberries before, but given how blackberries and raspberries thrive on this soil, I think it'll do just fine.
Oh, and I have finished Discovery and then rewatched it with a bad cold, and I think Saru is my favourite by a hair, he is such a lovely brave Space Gazelle. But Michael! Michael learning how to human is fantastic, and I hope she gets to be happy some more. And Tilly, oh dear me I adore Tilly, and Georgiou too in both her incarnations, and I am pleased to hear that the second season is more ensemble with the bridge crew because I missed that. I was not particularly interested in Ash/Voq and his tribulations, he managed to be dull even when being tortured. I liked Lorca even though he was evil, and Stamets is fun. I feel like it's still finding its feet, but I hope it has a good seven seasons to find them in. I'd like to see more monster-of-the-week, those were the best episodes of the first series.
Due to the aforementioned bad cold I picked up a few of the tie-in novels and they were readable enough. A bit heavy on the milsf/science bafflegab in a David Weber sort of way, but some good storytelling in there too. If they were fics on AO3 I'd have left kudos on both and a comment on the Saru-centric one which had some genuinely fun worldbuilding with alien races and mysteries and all sorts. The other one would probably have been more compelling to me if I was more interested in Spock and Michael having a mindmeld to save the day, also the author started a subplot and then lost interest in it at the end and just cut it off. Still, they were exactly right for reading while dosed on cold medicine.
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