We've all been laid up with flu for the past couple of weeks. I thought it was just a fearsome cold, since I've had the flu jab, but after finding myself quite literally on my hands and knees in the kitchen trying to get Philomythulus's breakfast and get him off to school, I figured it had to be more than that, and a few days later I saw on the news that this year's flu jab doesn't protect against most of the flu that's circulating, so that explains that little mystery. Anyhow, I've had it, Cub's had it (very mildly, thankfully) and Philomythulus has got it now, so there's only Mr P left and he often gets lucky with these things. Sooner or later we're going to hit our quota for nasty bugs this winter, aren't we? And I really hope they get next year's flu jab right.
Anyhow, I can tell I'm starting to recover because last night I wrote a tiny commentfic for the Three Sentences Ficathon for the prompt Peter/Lesley, not sorry:
keep calm and So hopefully that's a good sign for more writing to come.
Crossposted at
http://philomytha.dreamwidth.org/136426.html. There are
comments there.