"Toklat! Toklat! Toklat TO ME!"
I think next time I want chocolate I'm going to ask like that. Full marks for clear and effective communication. Also, I think we can now be certain this is my son.
More interesting grammatical thingiwhatsits: If the cat is ours, then obviously you should say 'feed ours cat.' And from the dept of irregular nouns: 'a people' meaning one person.
We also have proto-counting, or at least 'one, two, three, four, four, four, four, nine, ten' which is a good start on the whole concept. I had an hour-long conversation last month with an educational psychologist about how to tell whether Philomythulus can count to ten. I think my life is going to get even more surreal soon.
I have been technically embarrassed by Cub in a public toilet, though in truth after the time Philomythulus dropped his trousers in a cathedral it takes a lot to embarrass me. So I was mostly charmed and delighted by the small piercing voice announcing to the world 'wee! mummy wee!' and then a whole running commentary about toilet paper and flushing. Other people in the public toilet were embarrassed by proxy, though.
The Helpful Baby has a new tendency to announce 'Helpful Baby' just before doing something decidedly unhelpful, like stealing all Philomythulus's colouring pencils and running off with them. I'm not sure whether this indicates a developing sense of humour or the view that being helpful is the same as picking something random up and carrying it around.
He's also learned to say his name, which he's very proud of, though he still can't say Philomythulus's name (which is almost as much of a mouthful as Philomythulus). His little cousin is coming tomorrow and I tried to get him to say her name. He listened to it intently, grinned at me and said, "Bin lorry." Oh dear. I hope he doesn't do that when she's here. Not that she'll mind, it's more the parents.
This has been a rough year in a lot of ways, but all this talking makes up for so much.
Crossposted at
http://philomytha.dreamwidth.org/134246.html. There are
comments there.