Thank you
desertgoddess, and
modmerseygirl for the cards! <3333
I had true intentions of doing cards this year, but spazzed completely. Same with a mix. Maybe I can send out some random mid-winter cards. I might also still try a mix: a simple "best of 2013" kind of deal.
In other news, here is the last fic I wrote:
BottleneckPairing: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Spin the bottle, improv style.
Featuring a rather frisky Christmas tree and a complete disregard for rules.
Word Count: 2,348
Disclaimer: This stuff is made up.
I'd post the thing here, but I'm unaware of any Dan/Phil communities on LJ. So linking to AO3 seems the better option. If my muse for other fandoms (like SPN or Sherlock) ever returns (*crosses fingers*), I will post those here. I've not abandoned ship. (Pun pretty much intended.)
Oh, and this is the previous Dan/Phil, which I don't believe I linked to over here either:
Morning AnatomyPairing: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Phil wakes Dan up. And possibly vice versa. (Sleepy human alarm clock fluff and porn.)
Second person POV. First time.
Word Count: 1,015
Disclaimer: Also made up.
If I don't post before Wednesday, I hope all of you who celebrate have a very Merry Christmas. Happy Yule as well. ♥