1.) One more day, one more day. *holds, on, holds on*
It's really difficult to feel much holiday cheer when you're working well over 40 hours a week, and it's nonstop gogogo work at that. Sorry to be a bitch, I just... am. Doesn't it figure that the year we finally get a legitimate white Christmas here (more than a dusting of snow, anyway), I'm the most bah humbug I've ever been in my life? I can barely tolerate any Xmas music-not even John Lennon.
But I really want to see It's A Wonderful Life and the Muppet Christmas Carol. I missed both last year. And if I don't get home in time for the broadcast, I plan on watching "A Very Supernatural Christmas" on dvd.
*hugs to anyone having a tough time of it this year*
2.) I changed my layout. Was very tired of the peachy tones in the old one, as I am not a peach person (unless we're talking fruit). I still liked the design of the old one, but needed something new, and something closer to my color preferences. I had planned to go for a more mod design, in blues and/or greens. But then I stumbled on this one, and fell for the quasi-Indian style of the spacers. Still want to do a little tweaking on it, but it's good for now. Additionally, I was really hoping to finally have a graphic image in my header. But then I realized that the header technically has an image in it already, as part of the design. Is it possible to put a graphic image on top of a graphic image? If not, I still quite like it as is. Simple is good.
3.) Kill Rock Stars is adding the first and final Elliott Smith records to their catalogue. The former, Roman Candle, has been remastered-mostly noise reduction and volume balancing. I'm intrigued by this, though wary (despite the fact that Elliott's friend Larry Crane did the remastering). Extraneous sounds, like fingers scraping over strings, are some of my favorite things about recordings in general, but especially with Elliott. Such sounds enhanced the intimacy of his music. It's such a distinctive element of Elliott's early recordings. I mean, what would "No Name No. 3" be without the squeak of skin on steel?
Also, they're offering a never-before-released mp3 of "Cecilia/Amanda," which you can find
4.) Pumpkin Spice Silk is awesome.
5.) Finally:
A belated Happy Solstice!
If you celebrate: Happy Holidays!
And happy almost-weekend to everyone else. :)