Happy New Year, everyone. :)
I hope you all had a safe and vibrant NYE, and that this year brings you happiness, at least one thing that you want, all that you need, something surprising that sparks with wonder and awe, and as much love as you can handle.
My new year rang in with a brand new cold, a mild accompanying headache (thankfully just dull enough to still enjoy a glass of wine and a small bit of whiskey for the throat-made it up to "ghost" level on my SPN shooter glass, lol) and the desire to rip out my ovaries by hand. So. Good start, yeah? Actually, I finally started making my way through
maboheme's list of Jensen/Chris Kane recs, which is almost enough to cancel out the shitty stuff. Gonna keep reading to further test my theory that porn has curative powers.
Listening to comfort music helps too. Otis Redding, Ben E. King, Van Morrison, U2, Toad. It seems right to begin the new year with "I Will Not Take These Things For Granted." It seems I'm never capable of listening to that song without my breath catching in my throat.
Fic o' '08:
Acrophobia - Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki - R
Inkling - Sam, Dean, Kat Von D - PG-13
Life In Transitive - Billy Boyd/Dom Monaghan - PG-13
Mercurial Blues - Dean/Ellen - NC-17
Carnaval Noir - Dean/Sam - NC-17
Reel - Jensen/Jared - PG
Until this is memory - Dean, Sam - PG
The Boy Who Played Atlas - Dean/Sam - NC-17
Nightmare Nos. 1 & 2 Dean/Castiel - R & PG
Muertos - Sam, Dean, Castiel - PG
Bill Cosby Wants His Sweater Back - Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins - R
My favorite story: Probably "Carnaval Noir." I felt the most satisfied with it in the end. It came about, came together and clicked into place almost the same way poetry usually does for me. (That said, so did "Nightmare Nos. 1 & 2," but those *are* essentially poetry, or prose poems).
My best story: Again, going with "Caranaval Noir." It's the closest I've come to writing a proper story, with something vaguely resembling a plot, that was not bogged down in poetic malarkey.
Which was the most fun to write? A tie between "Life In Transitive" (because I miss Dom & Billy terribly and miss writing that pairing-my original OTP) and "Bill Cosby Wants His Sweater Back" (because it was light and playful and reminded me a bit of when I used to write Dom/Billy banter fic-despite the small amount of dialogue in it, not to mention it was fun to return to writing RPS in general, which is where I started in fanfic).
Which was the hardest to write? "The Boy Who Played Atlas" was the most difficult to write, emotionally speaking, given the gutted and raw states Sam and Dean were in during that point in canon. Angst is great to a point, but overall I just want the boys to be happy. And they were not happy here. "Inkling" was difficult to write on a more practical level because a.) there was a vague OFC (not really OFC, because she was always Kat Von D in my mind, but I wanted to keep her nonspecific enough that she could be imagined almost as an OFC too... it's a weird midway point that was hard to reach) b.) there was the unvoiced pressure of a thousand fanfic writers scrambling to write tattoo fic all at the same time, and c.) well, it just didn't flow (which is pretty evident in the final draft).
Which was your favorite to write? These questions are already kinda redundant! And so are my answers! "Carnaval Noir." The atmosphere of it completely filled my head during the weekend in which the rough draft was written, to the point where I was giddy on the imaginary world of the carnival. That kind of creative high has no equal in anything you can smoke or drink or procure/ingest in any other way.
Story with the single sexiest moment: Urgh. Writing sex scenes isn't the same as reading them. I can't always enjoy the ones I write because there's the preoccupation with dynamics and fluidity (that sounds gross, in context!), language or lack thereof, the mechanics of the act, the need to keep things realistic, and so on. I'm probably most pleased with the blowjob in "Bill Cosby..." and the overall sex scene (though mostly the aftermath-the way Dean touches Ellen) in "Mercurial Blues."
Holy crap that’s wrong even for you! Umm, man/angel sex? Probably nonconsensual man/angel sex? I dunno. It's wrong, but I don't really care either. My grip on morality is tenuous at best. *g* Actually, I think my writing has been kind of tame lately. I mean, I can't remember the last time I wrote bondage in fic... or femmeslash.
Most unintentionally telling: Hmm, "Acrophobia," I guess. And not just in the title-which is also applicable. There's a lot of me in one of the boys there.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008? Anything with Misha or Castiel, only because we hadn't met him yet. I've always been game for pairing Jared or Jensen, Sam or Dean with someone outside of their little dynamic duo; it's just difficult to find anyone else who fits in (or anyone who is compelling enough to want to make them fit in). Then along came Misha.... ;)
What pairings/fandoms do you plan to write for 2008? I don't plan, but hope to write more SPN of any kind. I have a few WIPs that I'd really like to finish up. It would be nice to revisit LOTR RPS at least once, again; it feels wrong to abandon it completely. Those hobbit boys (and Viggo, et. al.) will always be in my heart. I also have an itch to try Pushing Daisies fic, though it also scares the crap out of me (which is probably one of the best reasons to try writing something). And now Christian Kane is weaseling his way into the slashy parts of my brain. Jensen (and Dean) is becoming the Dom Monaghan of the SPN fandom for me: wanna pair him with anyone/everyone. :)
And since it is a brand new year, it seems like a good time to mention that if anyone has been itching to be rid of me, defriending amnesty is always on here.