Well, I'm back from Georgia.
It was a really nice, mostly relaxing trip overall. Although now I feel wiped out from travelling/flying and from the leftover exhaustion of Dragon*Con.
About that....
We attended Sean's solo panel on Sunday. But we arrived about five minutes into it, having entered the wrong hotel first. *sheepish* So we caught some seats that were farther back than our seats for Saturday's panel-perhaps 3/5 from the front of the room. No big deal, really. Sean was as gracious and lovely as he was the previous day. This time, he proposed they set a 3 minute limit for him to answer each question, in order to allow as many people to get their questions in as possible. He prompted us and the moderator to give him a "bzzzt" sound when his time was up... or if his answer was too boring. He bzzzt-ed (this is a word, no?) himself quite a few times. Hee.
Other highlights:
- When asked about pranks, he said that he wasn't a part of most of them. Most involved Dom and Viggo, such as when they started the toilet papering war that we've already heard about. Which then escalated into stuff related to toilet paper, Sean said. When the audience groaned in response to that, he said defensively (paraphrasing): "Hey, it wasn't me!" LOL
- One fan asked about how it was to work with Sir Ian McKellen, to which Sean responded with previously heard tales about the hobbits and Ian sharing a makeup trailer (his description: basically a hollowed-out flatbed truck, tight but efficient, like a submarine) and Dom and Elijah playing loud music that was not always to Ian's liking. He mentioned driving Ian and his (Sean's) family to these fjords (?) in New Zealand-two hours there and two hours back-and how it made him feel important to be driving Ian McKellen. :)
- He talked about how he had not read LOTR before going for the role of Sam. He had thought he'd read The Hobbit, but it turned out he'd confused it with The Phantom Tollbooth. All of which he'd mentioned during Saturday's panel. However, he then went into greater detail about how he loved what he'd read of the script and deeply wanted to be a part of this. So when his agents called (he said when both of them called together it meant good news, when one called it was because he'd lost a role and the agent calling had drawn the short straw) to tell him he gotten the part, he dropped to his knees and cried. Cue massive awwww. Then he said he called Christine after getting off the phone with his agents, and she dropped to her knees and cried. Awww.
- The last 20 or so minutes of his panel seemed to be dominated by questions about other roles in other films, such as Memphis Belle, Encino Man (when asked if he'd ever work with Pauly Shore again... he said definitely, LOL), Goonies (talked about how the pirate ship was intended to be a surprise for the kids, so their reaction would be fresh, but that he'd seen it early on, when it was basically just scaffolding with a vague ship-like shape) among other works.
- He mentioned having just finished writing the screenplay for an adaptation of the Newbury winning book Number the Stars with his wife Christine, which he hopes to direct later as well.
- He also talked a bit about his dad, John Astin, and how he is highly intelligent, well educated, classically trained, but also a bit of a "goober." Heh.
After Sean, Rosie and I wandered around the downstairs vendor area at the Mariott, which was basically a clusterfuck. About as many people there as there were tempting things to buy. I was good, though. All I got was a Winchester Bros. (Hunting Evil Since 1983) t-shirt. (Think I'll wear that Tuesday, since it is S3 dvd release day, whoohoo!).
After that, we split up, and I went off to queue up for the Firefly panel.
Little did I know how crazy the line for that would be! An hour before it was set to star, the line was already wrapped around nearly that entire floor of the Mariott (and let me tell you, it's a bigass floor). Shortly after I got in place, the line began wrapping around the interior bannister (sectioning off the elevators that are in the very middle of the hotel), then, later still, the line doubled back on itself again. Yeesh. Oh yeah, and the security people wouldn't allow us to sit on the floor. WTF. Back and feet go ouch.
The line was so long that the panel began late as it took so damn long to file everyone in. This room, the Atrium Ballroom, was at least twice the size of the room for Sean's panels, if not triple the size. I was about 3/4 of the way back. Not great, and I had to watch most of the panel on one of the overhead screens. But it was worth it. Besides, think about it: here's a show that has been off the air for six years, was fucked over royally by the Fox network, shown out of order, and cancelled halfway through its run... and its fans filled that ginormous room to capacity. How cool is that? :)
Nathan, Morena, Jewel and Alan were amazing. The fans gave them immense and constant love, and all four of them gave it right back. They play off each other so well, and you can tell they all still adore each other.
Also? They all looked wonderful. Morena's hair is super short now, but she still looks gorgeous. Jewel's so very pretty and still so Kaylee. Alan's looking rather buff. Nathan looked sweaty *g*. Sleeves rolled up to elbows (almost) and collar unbuttoned. Yum. He's a trip, Total nutter. <3
Here are a few highlights:
- First off, they told us that they would be signing cards and giving them to each person who asked a question. After one question, Nathan said to the girl who'd asked it: "You can have that card... orr... whatever's in this envelope." After a little game show-style tension, she chose the envelope. After she opens it, Nathan informs us, chuckling, that it's a bunch of cards. LOL
- Someone asked about charities that they support. Three mentioned some water charity (WaterLife possibly?), and it went down the line, each agreeing with that particular charity... until they got to Alan, who paused and gave a very unconvincing agreement as well. LOL Alan said that he supports giving water to kids who read (referring back to the fan's mention in her question about Nathan's work with a charity called Kids Need To Read). Said he doesn't do work for a charity, but gives money to an organization for the blind every year because someone in his family is blind.
- Nathan (per one of the other's requests) showed us his soap opera face... used when going to a break and needing to draw out a reaction. You know the one. One character says some dramatic line and the camera closes in on the other character's face a little too long to be anything but laughable. Yeah, that one. One Life To Live veteran Nathan Fillion's patented soap opera face comes in three parts, thusly:
#1: *bewildered look* Did I leave the stove on?
#2: *with resignation* I did leave the stove on.
#3: *suddenly confident and scoffing* I didn't leave the stove on!
Well, you had to be there. Everyone was rolling.
Oh, and Nathan got Alan to say a line for him to play off of. So Morena wrote something down for him (playing off of an earlier story Alan told about often having his lines written down, such as on the ship monitor or under the engine). And afterward she said that Alan still mangled the line!
(Btw, yes that "leave the stove on" thing did make me think of Eddie Izzard. :))
- One fan mentioned (more or less) that Mal and Inara never got to kiss. So Nathan and Morena looked at each other. Long drawn out gaze. Then Nathan grabbed Morena and fake passionate-kissed her to audience's extreme delight. Then Nathan turned toward Jewel... and she backed away. So he turned toward Alan who drew back as well. *giggles*
- Another fan asked about their favorite books. Jewel mentioned something recent that I can't recall (said it's her current favorite-err, whatever it is-and that it would probably change soon, adding that she reads a lot), which Morena agreed to reading recently and loving as well (prompting Nathan to make fun of them for liking the same thing, and then he quizzed them on what they'd had for breakfast that morning, to see if it was the same as well). /run-on Morena said her favorite book is The Great Gatsby and quoted the final line. Alan said Watership Down, and said that it influenced the language he uses (e.g. car = hrududu). Nathan said Of Mice And Men, saying (iirc) that he liked that it had a main character who was interesting, funny, etc. but who also was meant to die. Said emphatically, with dramatic turn toward Alan. heee.
- Jewel mentioned an experience with a nervous, bumbling fan who kept saying "good, good, good, good" to lead up to her story about meeting her "tiny" (yeah) crush on Matthew Fox. Apparently, he was at the bar at some sci-fi party at this year's Comic Con. Her hubby pointed him out. Jewel goes "oh" in a voice and with a look that is reminiscent of Kaylee going "oh, Grandpa" in the pilot episode. Then she proceeds to go up to Matthew and say, "So you must get this a lot." Matthew: "Get what a lot?" Jewel (paraphrasing): "People talking to you at things like this." Hee. And she bumbles nervously ending the whole thing with "good, good, good, good." Adorable.
- They had either a cell phone or some electronic device that did sound effects, and Nathan kept urging Alan to use it, but Alan couldn't get anything to work right, so Nathan took it over and added some silly sound effects (such as a dramatic "ahhh" chord after the kissing bit).
- There was an excellently-posed question about Joss' portrayal of women in FF. All agreed that Joss never has anything but strong women. Jewel said how much she loved that Kaylee wasn't the typical tomboy mechanic, but would wear a dress and put on makeup if only she could. That she's girly but loves her engine too. hee. Morena talked earlier about how Joss presented Inara to her. "Okay, she's a whore, BUT...!" And when she read the script, she didn't see anything in it that pointed to any such thing. "But she's a princess," Morena said. Also noted that Inara-having an actual, legitimate profession while the others are thieves-has more power in relation to the others, in a way.
-They were also asked about their high school drama experiences. Nathan didn't do drama in high school, but he told of jr. high case in which the teacher told them to study the floor tile beneath them to keep their focus. And he still uses that to this day. When he thinks he might lose it and not be able to keep a straight face? "Tile." Instant blank deadpan. LOL Which lead to the aforementioned soap opera story. Alan talked about how he grew up in Texas where acting wasn't so big (they do football, he noted, with manly emphasis), but he did Speech. Because you get trophies for it. Then he mused on the notion: if only they gave trophies for acting. Like a... statue. Like... an Oscar. *slow realization* So cute. Morena talked about being in the High School for the Performing Arts in NY ("the Fame school!" one or two of the others exclaimed) and doing Lady Macbeth at age 13, and doing that same bit in addition to Blanche Dubois for her Juliard audition. Jewel mentioned doing some musical about recycling and sang a line from it for us. Which Alan then tried to riff on, with hilarious results.
- One guy asked how Jewel and Morena got to be so beautiful, which flustered both of them (Jewel more so, awww), and Morena said to give the man a whole bunch of cards.
- When asked by a fan about Mal's loss of faith, Nathan said (so deadpan, as always) that Mal never stopped believing in god. "Mal believes in god. [pause] He just doesn't like him very much." Bwa.
- They were asked which FF character they'd want to play, if given the chance to play someone else. I think Jewel and/or Morena mentioned Zoe, noting Zoe's badass-ness. \m/ Alan said (paraphrasing): "Sooo, I can choose between Jayne, Book, Mal and Simon? Around which point one of the others interjected to say he could choose a female character as well. *g* Alan then proceeded to bust on Simon, noting how he'd spend every episode asking River if she's okay and trying to calm her down. Then he said if he played Mal, that Mal might have the same title and wear the same uniform, but would be a much more spastic version of the character. (No shit. *g*) To which Nathan responded with a Jerry Lewis-esque "Hey, Lady!" Complete with hand gestures and screwed-up face. And Nathan? Well, Nathan chose River because, according to him, she'd be easiest to play: just wander around, saying crazy stuff all day. He said you wouldn't even have to get the lines right... because they wouldn't make sense anyway.
- Nathan sang to one of the fans who was next to ask a question. Just some made up bit about 'you are next' or what have you. Still, so funny and cute.
That seems like a lot, but I'm sure there's more. Honestly, they were all hilarious and generous and ceaselessly entertaining. Even though I was way, waaay in the back, I'm still thrilled that I got to experience that.
Forgot to say in the previous posts that I did not make it to the one SPN panel. Because a.) it was at 10 p.m. on Saturday b.) it was only a fan-based discussion focused on the Impala (we all love the car, but a whole hour talking about it? really?) and, most importantly, c.) Rosie needed to get home to take care of the doggies... besides which, there's no way I'd even suggest asking her to stick around that long for that sort of thing. I mean, come on. 10 at night?? Talk about relegating SPN to no man's land. It sucks though because future SPN-centric panels at Dragon*Con might hinge on the attendance of that semi-ostracized panel.
What else then? Ah, costumes! So many brilliant ones, once again.
- another Gandalf (on Sunday, there was a Gandalf the White)
- coronation Arwen (looked homemade without looking homemade, if that makes sense; it was exquisite)
- Frodo again (asked a question at Sean's Sunday panel)
- aliens from Aliens (or Alien even)
- Kaylee (no parasol, but with the bun-style pigtails and the overalls with bear patch)
- Jayne hat (no, seriously, just the hat. It was brilliant. Took a pic, which I'll post if it came out all right).
- Mal
- Dr. Horrible
- Captain Hammer
- stormtroopers (as always)
- Victoriana-type outfits (complete with hoopskirts... imagine getting up the narrow escalators in those!)/
- Enchanted-style fairy tale gown and prince outfits
- Trojan soldiers (although the guys wearing these really should not have been wearing such skimpy costumes, meh)
- Spiderman, in full-on spandex suit (waaay too revealing, and not in a flattering way, heh)
Oh, I also neglected to mention that we watched most of the Democratic Convention last week. We missed Michelle's and Bill's speeches, but we caught the most important and most awesome of all. Barack's, of course. That man inspires like few others. Maybe I'm being gullible. But as I tend to be rather cynical about politicians, I welcome any gullibility that comes around, when it comes with such a rejuvenating shot of hope.
Will do my best to catch up with all of you later. Hope you're all well. <3