Just wanted to say another big, squishy THANK YOU for all the birthday messages. You all rockses my sockses. ♥ (Oh, I'll never get Gollum to leave my head.)
halfdutch wrote me hilariously brilliant Lostfic:
"According to Plan" in which Hurley has a scheme to get Sawyer and Kate back together (spoilers for episode 3.09 "Stranger in a Strange Land"). Even if you don't ship Sawyer/Kate, READ IT. :)
So. I'm. 30. It feels pretty much the same as 29. Until I said it out loud. "I am thirty." Short little sentence, right? But there's this deceptive lightness to the word "thirty," belying some strange weight, some invisible anchor. Like 30, the Age by which You Should be Settled Down and Serious and ADULT. I am none of those things, for better or worse. Nor do I have any desire to be settled or serious or adult under the typical, average, boring, mainstream, homogenized Middle American definitions of the terms. I like thirty a lot better when I hear it in my head with a Glaswegian accent. Seriously, pick your Scot of choice, say Billy Boyd or James McAvoy or whoever, and think of them saying "thirrrteee." Yeah, that's quite nice. *closes eyes and smiles*
• Here's a noteworthy little article, perhaps especially interesting to those of us born in the shortest month:
28 Days: Why February Gets The Shaft. Good title. It reminds me of how often I hear people grumble about February, saying they think it's the dreariest-if not the worst-month of the year, and how, for some completely illogical reason, I take that personally. I get all overprotective of February, like it's a family member or something. Like: stop picking on poor Uncle February... just cause he's missing a few digits...!
• I don't really like Dom's tone in
this (mildly spoilery) USA Today article. It sounds like he's making his peace with the show's mortality threats, which is good on one hand. But. Not good. *worries* Hopefully, the writers are just faking us all (including Dom) out.
• Finally.
Neville action figure, YAY! He doesn't look... too bad. I was hoping he'd come with a mimbulus mimbletonia or something though. Actually. *squints* Why is he reminding me of Jack Davenport circa Coupling? Hmmm. There's also a pic of
the Fred & George figures which, sadly, do not look a thing like the Phelps boys.