All Artists Alive...

Feb 19, 2006 16:32

It has been THE weekend of artistic connectivity, interdiciplinarity and rebirth here in Perterborough.
So busy, but so intensly creative.

Started Friday night with not one, but TWO art openings of people that I know. My mother and her friend Rowena showed their abstract paintings at The Peterborough Arts Umbrella.  Across the street at Cossars Art Store my Downie Street  buddies from an artist collective displayed their works in a dynamic and youthful show to contrast the mature and professional nature across the road....Gosh.
Mom's paintings looked fucking amazing up in the gallery, as did Rowena's-- It just blew my mind.
Sasha and Greg took me to a whole other level with their work at Cossars...but everyone was so flabergasting. Organic.

Then...Then, there is Curtis....The new director of the Art Gallery of Peterborough....who has a track record for shocking everyone and doing very vibrant off the wall things in public spaces around towns. He's prepared to promote performance and youth at the gallery and smash all the old school tight ass nature of the place...ahhhh so good.

Then there was Sumida River, performed at Market Hall by Denise Fujiwara....Butoh, Japanese contemporary dance.... The Lucid, small, slow, crisp, shedding the skin, non egotistical, methodical growth...Ying and Yang on stage. The deepest pool of emotion in gesture.

Then Invited Tawnya over to my place after, for tea, and talked about "PROCESS WEEK" which she has organised to go on at  ARTSPACE. It will be an intentional creative space for a week.  Anyone and everyone can come and create, perform, run a workshop, play, or spontaneously combust with anarchic artistic chaotic passion.                                          !!!

Then....This afternoon I did a Butoh workshop with Denise that explored endless possibilities stored in consciousness that fuel creating something from nothing through improvisation. Absolutely cleansing to just move with this magnitude of energy, so consistantly and full bodied without being vibrantly technical or playing with the ego. What a is not easy to find Butoh classes, and she will be doing more workshops in Toronto come April...I am so whole heartedly there...."Notice what you notice", she says...This is my life, noticing...and exploring.

I need this Creative work to just keep following through. I am in love right now. I am in love with possibility, and all this new room for massive ventilation.
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