Hi all!!!
So now that I recovered (somewhat) from my vacation, I thought I would update you guys on all of the other happenings in my life.
First, the sad stuff....
My sister has her biopsy tomorrow, so please continue to keep her in your prayers so that we find out everything is ok. She has a lot of other things going on in her life at the moment, that I won't get into right now, but she needs all of the prayers she can get.
My little brother and his girlfriend of 6 years just broke up. She broke up with him (we think that there is another man in the picture) He is just heart broken. He even proposed to her (got a ring and everything) in an attempt to win her back. I just feel so badly for him! Poor guy! :( :(
My friends' little girl has a heart defect and has to have open heart surgery in a few weeks in Morgantown (Mandy& Mary -- its Amy and Nate's daughter Kirsten). Basically, she has a hole in her heart. They can fix it and she will be 100% once they do, but I cannot imagine being in their shoes right now. They could use a whole ton of prayers that their little girl does ok with the surgery.
And in other news.. .
MIL K stopped by yesterday. She and my FIL & SIL were supposed to all come when they took my SIL back to WVU. Well, only SIL and MIL K came, bc FIL was being a butthead as per usual (he is EXTREMELY lazy). Anyhoo -- they both walk in and Ava had just fallen asleep. Neither one of them really talked at all and I could tell there was some tension, and then all of a suddent they got into this argument (which apparently had started well before their arrival) and MIL K ran out of the house in tears. We were all kind of open mouthed at the drama unfolding. SIL talked with us for a few more minutes and then she left and off they went. I felt that I should check on MIL K later that day, so I called to make sure she was ok, and she proceeded to go on and on and on about how no one appreciates all that she does for them (namely FIL & SIL) and it just gets to be too much sometimes. I just kind of let her rant, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking that I felt like she just doesn't get it. She is SO overbearing with everyone to the point that she smothers them, and then when they get annoyed with it, she turns it around as a pity party for her. I wanted to tell her that she can't have it both ways. She needs to control everyone, yet when they lash out, all she wants to do is complain about all that she "has" to do for them. Oy. So that is the update on MIL K for the moment.
MIL B is going to be here for another two weeks. Ava starts back to daycare officially on April 3rd, unless we find a nanny in the meantime. Her teacher from daycare was willing to come to our house, but we would need to pay her $250 a week (still, a steal for an in home sitter in our neck of the woods). I started thinking about it, and I just don't think we can stomach $1000/mo and not be able to claim it at the end of the year (the amount she needed was less taxes that she gets from our current center). So, I feel like I have failed my child by not being able to afford this. :( I just keep telling my self that Ava is going to be much happier in this center with all of the teachers who miss her like crazy and that she isn't going to sick like she did before again. *sigh* this just doesn't get easier.
And on a VERY fun note: We were sent a package from Phil's cousin Amie. She is very close to Phil and I basically consider her to be another SIL and Ava will call her Aunt Amie. Anyway -- she sent us a new wardrobe of Gymboree gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! I will take pics tonight, but these outfits are just way too cute. I can't beleive how much she spent on her!! In order to use the gymbucks she got, she had to give me the receipt and it was for $250!!!!!!!!! Wow. My kid is so spoiled! :) lol
Anyway -- So that has been my random observations from the last few days. I am sure you are all now thoroughly bored out of your minds ;)
Take Care!!!