Feb 02, 2010 23:07
I'm reading Twilight again for fan-fiction purposes. That's not weird, right? I'm not the biggest Bella fan, but I'm trying to understand her personality - to write fanfic more efficiently. That's either really sad or brilliant. To be honest, as much as I like the character of Jacob, I'm not really a huge Twilight fan. To me, Bella is irritating. Edward, I'm seeing once again, lacks dimensions. He just exquisitely gorgeous with tawny, ocher eyes and a breathtaking smile and blah, blah, blah.
Frivolity abounds in this thing. Charlie is made out to be the most lax dad in the world. (It's like "Oh, hey you can go to Seattle BY YOURSELF just be back in time for the dance"). Renee is supposedly Bella's best friend and yet Bella makes backhanded statements about her intellect? Edward just insults Bella at every turn and I'm supposed to believe he's falling for her? Not to mention, I have to read contradictory statements like "stay away from me" and a few seconds later "be my friend". So I'm to believe every guy in Forks is attracted to this girl? The closest place to find decent Mexican food is California? Really!? Really? Smeyer.
How am I going to make it through? As someone interested in trends within the publishing industry, I often wonder how young girls ingest these books so quickly. Right now I'm having difficulties dragging myself to read 10 pages and I'm a usually fast reader. Why? And what is a Holy Crow? Why is a young adult author using words like infinitesimally as if most ordinary, text-obsessed teenagers will know what that means?
wow just wow