Young people lack workplace skills, say British Chambers of Commerce. Schools don’t do enough to engage with the business community, in my opinion. Many are only interested in academic success, sport, music and drama, and think about employability skills once a year if that. So this survey comes as no surprise to me.
This is exactly the sort of thing they should be teaching in schools. 'France is finished', says John Lewis MD. Come on, it's long overdue. Surely there should be a knighthood for Jeremy Clarkson. The speech that Mrs Thatcher cancelled after the Brighton bombing. The language seems quite Tolkienian- ‘dark shadow’ etc, only she’s talking about union thuggery and Labour corruption, not orcish thuggery and Sauronic corruption.
Odd images from Google Earth. Psychological research? Reach for the Monster Manual! (Incidentally, you can buy the new
5th edition Monster Manual for £29.99 from
The Shop on the Borderlands...)
This BBC Cornwall news story is nowhere near as exciting as its headline suggests.