Well, not exactly wild, but certainly frisky. I've borrowed one of these
http://www.amazon.co.uk/KODAK-Zi6-Pocket-Camcorder-black/dp/B001U77PUA/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top from work. Can you guess why?
Anyway, to put it through its paces, I took it with me when we walked the dogs in Tavistock this evening. Lots and lots of ponies. In a way, they are Dartmoor ponies, since they're ponies and they're on Dartmoor. Really though, they're Shetlands. Anyway, lots of them either had foals or looked as if they were about to. So I filmed some, and uploaded the video to YouTube:
Click to view
Incidentally, the small stone hut you can see briefly off to the left was designed by Lutyens.