memory failings

Oct 19, 2010 16:27

 If I am going to keep this up to save journals of my memories I guess I'll have to actually keep updating, no?
Well then. get to it. 
Wedding in Cancun was terrific. I think my memories of it are better than actually being there; I had to ignore the fact that I'm not a Sand/Sun/Surf/Sitting guy so what's clearest in my mind was the interaction with Keith's family and the always fun companionship of my own.  
After the first few days of mainly swimming, drinking and eating that climaxed with Sharon & Keith's wedding on Saturday night I finally had a day more to my liking.  That meant heading off with a group for a zipline adventure.  Our group was Rob, Robbie, Erin (his GF) and Keith's Dad, brother/wife/6 yr old son), aunt/husband and some others.  We broke up into two groups and six of us opted to zipline before the swimming hole, assuming (correctly) that we'd likely be sweaty and ready for a swim afterwards.  
What a trip.
16 towers high up in the trees encompassing 13 ziplines of varying length from treetop to treetop.  What's more not once did I get my usual acrophobic vertigo.


Afterwards we were told we'd swap places with the other group at the swimming hole but were pleasantly surprised to find that we'd be riding 4 wheeler ATVs on a 15 min ride there and back.    It was a BONUS adventure!


The Cenote was much more more than expected.  There are thousands of these natural wonders all over the Mexican Yucatan peninsula created when an asteroid hit and many of the smaller disintegrating pieces caused huge natural depressions that filled with fresh waters.  It was amaxing; it too had a zipline, cool waters and fish (as well as some bats in the side crevices).  Rob tried some swan dives off the platform and flips off the swingline (FAIL all) and I tried a half twist/half flip off of it which was caught on video but inaccessible to me being in Charlotte on Erin's camera :-(.  Still, totally worthwhile.


ATV ride back and one last thing: we'd forgotten that we were to be fed!  Authentic mexican tacos with beer and soda all while seated on furniture all made of natural slabs and trunks of wood.  YUM

What's left to say?  
I returned home the next day.  
And what do you know, I may rethink snow, cold and mountains as being my first choice for vacations.

wedding sharon mexico zip cenote

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