Jan 11, 2005 17:31
ok so this is like the first actual snow of the winter!! we got out of school early and the roads were only wet so i gave cin a ride home. by the time i was leaving her house though is was really bad out!! i was so scared so i was driving slow and the next thing i kno my car spins 2 times!!!! luckily i didn't hit anyone or anything but i was so scared i was literally shaking! then i called cinthia and made her stay on the phone in case i got in an accident and i slid again. only then did i realize to put the car in 2nd gear. such a scary experience...all i could think was "please don't hit that building!!".
when i came home and told my parents what happened my mom yelled at me for being stupid and taking cin home when it was gonna get bad....hmmmmmm....then i started crying. i've just been like that lately, the tiniest thing sets me off.
then i went in my room and fell asleep for like 3 hours, it felt so good, it's not very usual for me to take a nap in the middle of the day.
i saw this in shanyns LJ and figured i'd fill it out cuz it's not like i have anything better to do like study for my midterms.....
[ Current Clothes ] my preppy sweater with a tanktop underneath, jeans, none matching socks, and my crazy cool red earings...thanks shanyn!!
[ Current Mood ] still kinda in shock
[ Current Music ] modest mouse
[ Current Taste ] mint...i just brushed my teeth, i hate the taste when u just wake up
[ Current Hair ] in a very messy ponytail
[ Current Annoyance ] driving in snow
[ Current CD in CD Player] i think i have my john mayer/norah jones/michelle brance mix in
[ Current DVD in player] none now but the last one in was delovely...it was really good
[ Current Worry ] failing my physics midterm
[ You Talked to ] my mom
[ You Hugged ] my mom...it's her birthday
[ You Instant messaged ] i think it was alex last night
[ You Yelled At ] my mom
[ Candy ] anything chocolately and delicious
[ TV Show ] the o.c.
[ Movie ] at the moment how to lose a guy in 10 days(i can recite the entire movie...ask eric he thinks it's pretty funny!), but it changes often
[ Dance ] the drunk girl dance....haha me and sarah...i guess u had to be there
[ Understanding ] somewhat
[ Open-minded ] i like to think i am
[ Insecure ] depending on my mood
[ Interesting ] i hope so...am i??
[ Random ] lol i agree shanyn...just get us together...raptors....
[ Hungry ] a little
[ Friendly ] depending on my surroundings...if i'm somewhere new then not so much until i get used to it
[ Smart ] in some cases
[ Moody ] sometimes
[ Childish ] YES!! but i have matured quite a bit since last year
[ Hard working ] when i'm in the mood
[ Organized ] with some aspects of my life
[ Healthy ] i try...i could be moreso though...i eat alot of junk...i guess i have to stop if i'm gonna be a nutritionist
[ Emotionally Stable ] i think i am
[ Shy ] only in certain situations
[ Difficult ] depending on the situation
[ Bored Easily ] yea...if i'm not constatly doing something i get bored so quick
[ Messy ] sometimes, but i make up for it other times.
[ Thirsty ] nope...not in the sense of liquid refreshment...but i am thirsty for something new....like i wanna try something
[ Responsible ] somewhat...when i am responsible i make up for the times i was irresponsible.
[ Obsessed ] depending on what the object is yes....pat burrell and the o.c., yes, ppl i like, no.
[ Angry ] not at the moment
[ Sad ] only if something bad happens
[ Happy ] usually
[ Hyper ]oh yea!!! jeremy called me the 3rd most insane person he knows preceded only by tony danza and bob dole
[ Trusting ] most of the time untill someone loses my trust then i don't really trust anyone for awhile
[ Talkative ] ummmmm...no i don't think so....i'm a pretty quiet person....yea.....that's rite.....i never get yelled at for talking too much in school....
[ Pictured your crush naked? ]no of course not.....
[ Been in love ] i've loved but i don't think i've been in love yet
[ Cried when someone died ] yes...many a time
[ Lied ] all the time
[ Coke or pepsi ] i don't like either...i'd prefer sprite
[ Flowers or candy] i think flowers...they're so pretty and nice
[ Tall or short ] as long as you're not shorter than me i don't care....i'm only 5'4", you'd have to be really short
[what do you notice first?] eyes
[last person you slow danced with] i think it was colin
[worst question to ask] would u like to go to a pants party??
[makes you laugh the most?] usually shanyn or cinthia
[makes you smile] a multitude of people
[makes you blush] i think i blush around kyle but i'm not sure....i'm not really the blushing type
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to IM you?] wow...do people actually do that???
[save aol/aim conversations] no
[cry because of what someone said?]yea...more than i probably should
Yes Or No:
x. Do you keep a diary: yea but i only write in it when i get the urge
x. Do you like to cook: i do but i'm not very good at it
x. Do you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes....many
x. Do you believe in love: of course, life would be boring without it
Do You...?
Have any crushes: UR STUPID SHANYN!!! i think i might...i don't kno if it's a crush
Want to get married: sure...vegas anyone?? haha...yea oneday once i'm settled with my life
Get motion Sickness: sometimes....i got motion sick on a helicopter tour of maui and we had to cut it short...i still feel bad about that
Think you're a health freak: it comes in wave....one week i am, the next i'm the total opposite
Get along with your parents: usually, unless they piss me off
Like thunderstorms: i love thunderstorms...especially at night
Sign: GEMINI!yay shanyn, nick and justin!!
Natural hair color: medium brown
Current hair color: dark brown
Eye colour: brown with very small hints of gold...you have to look really closely!
Birthplace: an alley in tiwana
Numbers: 5...omg that's mine too!!
Colours: red
Day: friday and sunday...it's just such a lazy day
Month: june or august...mays pretty good too
Season: summer
Cuddle or make out? either is nice
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot chocolate in the winter....chocolate milk all year
Milk, dark, or white chocolate? milk or dark when the mood stikes me...i hate white
Vanilla or chocolate? definatly chocolate
Cried? yes... twice
Helped someone? o gave cinthia a ride home does that count??
Bought something? taco bell...i kno it's so bad
Gotten sick? no
Gone out for dinner? lunch
Said "I love you"? no i don't think so
Written a real letter? no but that's a good idea
Talked to an ex? ummmm....yes if you count him as an ex
Missed an ex? not really
Written in a journal? i'm doing that now!
Had a serious talk? semi serious
Missed someone? yep
Hugged someone? yes
Fought with your parents? my mom
Fought with a friend? nope...it's not very often i fight with friends
Name 5 bands/singers you listen to: modest mouse, jack johnson, john mayer, kenny chesney, damian rice
Would You Ever~
1. Eat a bug? i ate an ant once...i was little
2. Bungee jump? definatly....i love scary stuff
3. Kill someone? oh my gosh....i couldn't
4. Kiss someone of the same sex? yes....you have too shanyn???
5. Have sex with someone of the same sex? depends how much ive had to drink...and if shes hot...that was such a guy thing of me to say
6. Parachute from a plane? yep....i'm going with eric when i turn 18 even if he doesn't want me too...that's rite eric!!!
7. Be a vegetarian? maybe....it'd be hard work....i love chicken
8. Wear plaid with stripes? i'm sure i have at some point in my life
9. IM a stranger? already have
10. Sing karaoke? if someone did it with me
11. Get drunk off your ass? I WOULD NEVER!!! haha
12. Star in a porn video? ummmmm....how bout no
13. Dye your hair? it's dyed rite now
14. Be on Survivor? i hate that show
15. Wear makeup in public? wow....never....who does that???
16. Make someone cry? yes....i love to see people suffer....of course not! at least not intentionally
17. Call your math teacher a futhermucker? well mr. v. would laugh and i'd "accidently" call ms. laduca the real think...i really don't like that lady
18. Kick a baby? wait u don't do that??
19. Date someone more than ten years older than you? when i'm like 20 maybe...there's a certain age when it becomes ok
20. Cuss out a priest? haha...that'd be awesome but i wouldn't do it
21. Take a job as a janitor? ewwwwwwie!! haha probably not, unless i really needed a job...it's not a bad occupation, just not for me
22. Stay up all through the night? wow...that's a tough one...i do it at every party
23. Drink straight espresso? everytime eric gets one i take a sip and make the same disgusted face....i don't kno why i continue to drink it
oh by the way...erica wanted me to mention that i was her waitress on monday...