Sleep Deprivation Maybe?

May 06, 2009 12:33

I tossed and turned all night.  I didn't fall asleep until after 4am; you'd think I would have rested soundly, but nooooo.  I had one of my weird dreams that makes me think somebody's gonna be sleeping with the fishes soon.  As per usual, I just don't know who.  OK check this out:

Dessert setting.  Woman, who looks suspiciously like Samantha Carter from SG-1, is speaking to another woman.  The woman is somewhat aloof.  Sam drives off wondering what's up w/her friend.  She comes back later on foot to investigate and runs into her friend's husband, who looked suspiciously like James Cromwell.  He tells her she's in the new barn.  Sam opens the door and finds her friend inside the steele enforced building.  Before she could think Gavin Rossdale (man, I dunno.  I don't even know what he looks like but that's the name that was in my dream) slams the door.   The friend, who had really short hair before, has really long hair and is lookin' raggedy.  She says to Sam, how could you think that was me?  Next thing I know, Sam is macgyvering some kind of time machine out of parts she's pulled out the barn and was talking about fractal units or something.  Rossdale comes in to stop, but the woman kick his butt and lock him between the 2 doors (before there was only one).  The woman get into the teleportation ring thingy and wind up going back in time like 3 days.  There's a shoot out and stuff.

So next thing I know they're in a jeep heading for the highway.  I, the me inside of me, looked underneath the highway which appears to be made out of, um, you know those desk games that look like steele pins that you can you hand in and it holds the shape?  Well, the highway was like that and it kept showing the likeness of Homer Simpson.  I DO NOT KNOW!!!   Next thing I know I'm in a get away vehicle that looks like Fred Flinstones car.  *shrug*  Stop asking, I said I don't know.  Along the side of the highway I see pix of the Scooby Gang except they're all grown up.  Everybody is recognizable except Velma who looks like Joyce DeWitt from Three's Company crossed with Adrian Barbeau.  eeep  Anywho, there was something about a hot air balloon and escape.

This is where the death clues come it

So now I'm me and I'm at home.  I'm looking at something about the Scooby's and there's an extra woman and it's Betty White.  The photos changed to a drawing of an airplane on white piece of paper and towards the back is an 'x' and it says "Betty White's seat."  I said, no way in hell is Betty White in coach in the back of the damn plane.  Someone says she hasn't worked in awhile and say she was just on Denny Crane!  There's an arguement and I leave.  I'm walking down the street and my aunt (my mom's last living sibling) drives up with my eldest sister, Chellie, in the back.  I get in this little bright white milk truck looking car and she takes off.  We're basically driving in circles and I realize my aunt has turned into, you guessed it, Betty White.  Betty decides this street is too long and takes a short cut through a busy school yard.  By the way, the inside of the card has those harness jobs that they have in amusement park rides.  It's at this point I realize why my sister let me sit up front.  bitch!  I also realize the car has changed to a VW Bug on the outside.  I note that I'd never been in a VW.  We're facing this building that has either fallen or being torn down.  Pretty high up there's still a back outter wall with a window and a floor.  In the window faces kept peaking.  The one face I remember is one of my neighbors, who is currently in the hospital with throat cancer.

We get back to my house and there's something about a check made out to me.  It says its inheritance for the deceased Douglas Blassingale  or some such name.  I say I don't know a Douglas Blassingale.  The me inside of me wondered if it wasn't Mouf's man whose last name Mcsomething and maybe my subconscious couldn't remember it.   I don't know any other Douglases.  The me in the dream turns the envelope over and it's made out to me but first it says 'To the estate of' and I say, "To the estate of!! I'm not dead!  This is all kinds of wrong."
That's it.  I woke up and thought, "Damn, somebody's dying.  I wonder who.  It ain't gonna be me cuz I said that in my dream."


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