Did Anyone Get the Memo That It's MONDAY?

Nov 12, 2007 12:27

Just coming up for air after an obscenely busy morning. Wow.

Some articles that caught my interest:

Mickey Rourke to star in Darren Aronofsky's new movie. I just remembered how much I loved Rourke in Sin City. I'll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I'll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him. Still one of my favorite lines ever. That movie needs a re-watch soon. And Darren Aronofsky is one of the few filmmakers that renders me nearly speechless in person.

EW's Grey's recap. FINALLY Gizzie starts to crumble. EW nails why best male-female friends don't always end up "in love":

George and Izzie still insisted on trying for their own leg-shaking hookup, and they do bring up a good point: Most of the time there are reasons we are just friends with certain straight members of the opposite sex, even though they are straight members of the opposite sex. (We forget this, having watched When Harry Met Sally 8.2 trillion times.) Sometimes it's because we have massively mismatched issues that could never coexist romantically; sometimes the sex just doesn't work. (Even Izzie's genuinely cute green nightie and ''box of fun'' - e.g., booze - didn't do it for them.) And the only thing weirder than having mind-blowing sex with your best friend is having terrible sex with your best friend.

As anyone who has watched My Best Friend's Wedding 8,000 times (um, cough, ahem) can attest, if you have a male best friend who marries someone else, and you think you have feelings for him, it's more that you're feeling possessive and insecure about the change in the relationship than that you actually love them. So, in that respect, Grey's is dead on about the fact that there's really no love chemistry between George and Izzie. I just hope Callie doesn't take George back. I will yak.

Slightly less spoilery (until the comments): FNL made my heart ache this week. And Supernatural was v. amusing.

The Pope is coming to DC. The city is going to be at a complete standstill.

In embarrassing news, I am far too excited about I Know Who Killed Me coming out on DVD. Far too excited. Train wreck, party of one!

Oh, I'm seeing Juno tomorrow! So excited. This, Atonement, and I am Legend are my top three to see before the end of the year.

supernatural, netflix, tv, friday night lights, coming soon, dc, grey's anatomy

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