I miss you already, my recent favoritest show

May 22, 2007 22:28

RIP, Veronica Mars. It was nice to see Weevil and Wallace again. My heart jumped into my throat when Logan got the "Vengance is Mine" look and went flying after Piz. I enjoyed vindictive Veronica. I loved Kristen Bell's expression when Veronica saw Lilly's portrait. When Mac drooled over the computers, I loved it.

It might have been nice next year to see Veronica go toe to toe with the Castles, see the mob go after Logan, and see if Weevil decided to go back to nefarious deads. And Keith Mars sacrificing everything for his daughter was noble, and seeing Veronica deal with the guilt of that and her going after Jake Kane as a result might have restored the personal connection to the mysteries that made Seasons 1 & 2 great.

Everyone bitched about this season--I blame the network more than Rob Thomas. What was great about the last two episodes was that the "mystery" directly related to Veronica's heart. The first season was her best friend's murder, the second season she could have been a victim and had to deal with that guilt. The "mini-mysteries" in the third season lacked that emotional connection, and the show suffered for it.

In addition, the first two seasons were so compelling because it dealt with universal class tensions. There was a lot less of that this year (the throwaway stuff with the Aspen kids didn't cut it, Weevil getting screwed and Jake Kane possibly paying off a prosecutor came closer) and I think the show thrived on that. It was harder to handle with Veronica and Logan together, but I think everyone can identify with being on the outside of a wealthy society. It's a hard thing to sustain, but it's a literary theme that has enthralled for hundreds of years. The first two seasons pulled it off extremely well.

Nothing was easy and wrapped up in this show. I suppose it's kind of like life in that respect. We don't always get the answers we want out of life. These characters didn't either. I imagine The Sopranos will end the same way.

American Idol. I can't be impartial, because power pop and I tend not to get along, so it's obvious who I liked better. I thought the "winning song" sucked and I frankly would give a singer credit for not getting into it. "This is my Now?" This is my vomit. However, I will be starting Lost an hour late tomorrow, because I feel the urge to watch this trainwreck of a finale live and catching up with Lost on DVR. If that doesn't speak volumes as to how much I'm disgusted with TV of late, I don't know what does.

What are people thinking about Hidden Palms? I wanted to boycott the CW, but I am being drawn by these promos with "Running Up That Hill" over them (God, I love that song).

On a personal note: I went to 4th Estate with albatrosswoman. We had Heferwiezen and cheese fries with bacon and sour cream. This made up for my bordering on hellacious workday. Oh, and I did four loads of laundry and damp clothing is currently hanging all over my apartment (you shop at H & M, you kiss your dryer good-bye), and there are piles of folded things on top of the couch threatening to smother me.

tv, american idol, veronica mars

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