at least the 4th time i've been mistaken for Hooper

Nov 15, 2005 18:49

CGS B Itsenko: hey man. its boris from fuji.. we're thinking of having a paintball outing this saturday at Cousins in weschetsre NJ... are you interested?
CGS B Itsenko: if you are let me or emil know
gwarriorx: fuck yes
CGS B Itsenko: excellent
CGS B Itsenko: so far its me emil, and about 6-8 of my old high school friends from brooklyn, i'm waiting for word from emil hopeuflly he'l have more people
CGS B Itsenko: we thinking of doing it around 9:30. field closes at 4. should be plenty of time.. have you ever herad of it before?
gwarriorx: dude, is scooter goona be there?
CGS B Itsenko: who the hell is scooter?
CGS B Itsenko: i just asked around and thats the response i got
gwarriorx: who the hell are you?
CGS B Itsenko: haha
CGS B Itsenko: isnt this brian hoopman?
CGS B Itsenko: i got your screen from killeen
gwarriorx: yeah it's hooper
CGS B Itsenko: oh then why yous fronti'n G ?
CGS B Itsenko: lol you dont remember boris? whats wrong with you
CGS B Itsenko: anyway. you met emil, right?
gwarriorx: yeah
gwarriorx: no. no i haven't
gwarriorx: that was a lie
CGS B Itsenko: we're throwing a paintball bonanza this saturday at Cousins let me know if youre going to come
gwarriorx: that's sweet man but i'm michigan
CGS B Itsenko: are you repainting your room or something?
CGS B Itsenko: smelling SOME kinda fumes there heh
CGS B Itsenko: oh shit. thats too bad
gwarriorx: hah yeah i'm high as balls
gwarriorx: my name's Phil
gwarriorx: i'm not brian hoopman.
gwarriorx: have a good night
CGS B Itsenko: the identity crisis has set it.
CGS B Itsenko: peace
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