The last few days have been really hectic. Mmm, big story of the day, my mom was in the hospital for a couple days. High blood pressure and stuff. Luckily, she's back home now and feeling better, knock on wood.
I couldn't go to the And Then I Turned Seven show and that was a shame. Driver's ed is ultra-lame, and school starts in a week.
Someone is being really stupid and she's not doing a great job of convincing me otherwise. Why don't you stop playing two different tunes? Figure out what you think and run with it.
This song by blink182. I can't tell if I like it or not, but I've been listening to it a lot recently, so I guess that's what counts, right?
On that note, I really hate radio. Terrible, terrible, terrible. You know how many times I heard that stupid song in one hour? You know, dontcha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? don't you wish your girlfriend was raw liek me? dontcha? -trumpets- dontcha? -trumpets-. There's about 35 minutes of actual music in the hour. So many commercials and the stupid dj talking and answering stupid calls. So 35 minutes equals about 10 3-minute+20second songs. And 3 out of those 10 were that stupid dontcha song! I swear another 3 was that stupid Kelly Clarkson song, the "I spread my wings and look to the sky" song. So that leaves 4 songs, all of which were unidentifiable rap songs. How can you people listen to this garbage?!
Where does the time go? I've got so much to get done before school starts and that orchestra retreat is sneaking up on me really fast.
1 Spanish 202
2 English 112
3 'Tarded 229
4 Chem 224
5 Lunch
6 PE
7 Trig/Calc A 143
8 Orchestra 160
Anyone else wanna see March of the Penguins? Cause I really wanna.
- not in any particular order.
Terry Tate, Office Linebacker
So basically Reebok's Terry Tate runs around and hits people who are unproductive in the workplace. The best one is where this guy wins a game of solitaire on his compuer. He gets up and starts going, "Whoo!" and stuff, and out of nowhere, Terry Tate comes and slams him to the ground. Honestly, they should try this. I betcha productivity + health insurance rates would rise real fast.
Referee's a Jackass
This one aired on a Superbowl a couple years ago. Seriously way too funny. So you see a horse run in slow motion in snow. The tape stops, rewinds, and plays again over and over. Then you see two rows of horses lined up, and a zebra looking into one of those instant replay cams. Then two cowboys are sitting on a fence watching it all. First says, "This referee's a jackass." Second goes, "Nope... I believe it's a zebra."
He's Safe!.........Sir
So sadly, I can't find a pic of this commercial. But there's this guy driving along trying to pick up a chick and he rear ends a police car. A police officer gets all up in his grill and he's all, "I sho hope you got good insurance, son!" And then an umpire pops up outta the back and he's like, "Heeee's Safe!.............Sir"
Real Men of Genius
This ad campaign has been going on for a while, and some are pretty lame, but some are just golden. Like the toilet roll replacer in resturant bathrooms. You've all prolly seen at least one of these. Back in 8th grade, our magnet class made one of these. It was Mr. French Resturant Napkin Folder
Bob and Cialis
So recently Cialis changed their ad campaign and it has old people enjoying nature. If I didn't know what erectile dysfunction was, I'd think it was a vacation ad, not a pill for porking. The whistling theme just makes it 5x funnier. Cialis needs to go back to the Bob commercials with the 50's styles living.
For Eyes
My favorite one is where the guy's like, "Why are your prices so much higher than the glasses at For Eyes?" "Well, see, our glasses are waterproof" and then he spits his drink all over the guy's face. "See?" Great campaign, funny spots, good stuff.
Well that took a while. Tell me what commercials I'm missing out on. Good stuff.
March of the Penguins, anyone?