Title: Freeman, Beautiful Skin Avocado & Oatmeal Purifying Clay Masque
Fandom: Midsomer Murders
Characters/Pairing: Tom and Joyce Barnaby
Prompt: For
rosie_posie77’s F - Facial Mask
Word Count: 100
Rating: K
Summary: In all their… many years of marriage he’s never seen her wearing anything resembling… guacamole?
Spoilers: None
Author's Notes: That was fun and
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Oh, btw, are you still following the latest seasons of Midsomer?
I try! Unfortunately none of the stations I get deems to show the series, so the minute new DVD's are released I rent them from NetFlix. I've gotten to the Scott years, season/series 8 maybe, but nothing beyond that. Tis very sad.
We are lucky here in Italy. They run all the series, till the last one, the 11th. Why don't you try to download the episodes using eMule?
I'd try eMule, but I still have a seven year old Dell computer that was killed by a virus from eMule that needs to be fixed. So, don't really trust it.
I live in the north, near the Italy-Switzerland border, in a small town near Varese, the host city of the road cycling world championships right now.
What a beautiful area! We were in Como the last time we were there and fell in love, if I'm not mistaken Como's a little east of you?
Bet getting around is a bit interesting right now!
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