Title: Fishnets In Water
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters/Pairing: Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia
emmademarais’s A - Aqua for
The Alphabet DrabblesWord Count: 100
Rating: K
Summary: He’s not really sure that the gartered stockings are strictly acceptable according to FBI dress code.
Author's Notes: I own these! I love them, even if Harper’s Bazaar doesn’t, and they are so Garcia. Probably not what Emma was thinking of with her prompt, but I like it.
He’s not really sure that the gartered stockings are strictly acceptable according to FBI dress code.
He’s not really sure he should spend all day staring at her legs.
He’s not really sure that he cares.
He’s not really sure what color the fishnet stockings she’s wearing could be called, but he thinks aqua.
He’s sure that her legs look fantastic encased in the blue-ish, green-ish, barely there-ish material.
He’s sure that his desire, his lust is pouring out of his eyes as he looks at her.
He’s sure that he’s going to have her keep them on all night.