New Crossover Fic: "Time Discovers Truth" (NCIS/Sapphire and Steel)

Nov 08, 2007 20:32

Title: “Time Discovers Truth”
Fandom: NCIS/Sapphire and Steel
Characters/Pairings: Timothy McGee/OFC, ‘Ducky’ Mallard(Steel)/Virginia Cavendish(Sapphire), tiny bits of Abby Sciuto/LJ Gibbs, small bits of Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David.
Prompt: varietypack100 #10 Years
Word Count: 7,757
Rating: Um… Older child, but maybe not Teen
Summary: Twenty-five years can be a lifetime and yet no time at all.
Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing to due with NCIS and if I did, I couldn’t be writing this because of the strike. Frankly, I don’t really understand enough of Sapphire and Steel to even try to claim to own it.
Author's Notes: Many notes:
1. Title is from Seneca, a Roman philosopher.

2. Sapphire and Steel was a very weird late 70’s/early 80’s SciFi show. Information about the show can be found here on Wiki. The really important thing is that Steel was played by David McCallum (Ducky) and Sapphire was played by Joanna Lumley.

3. NCIS is a very normal, yet funny, procedural crime drama. Information about the show can be found here on Wiki. The really important thing is that Ducky is played by David McCallum (Steel) and the people around him have created a very unique but sweet family.

4. Pictures behind the cut are




5. Huge thank you’s to elysium1996, who made sure I hadn’t gone completely insane with this story and helped my immensely from hashing out the idea in those first chats to the final read through, and tvjunkie1013, who did the grammar check and just honors me by being one of my dearest and best friends.

6. Yes, I know this is mostly a crack!fic.


McGee could feel the presence looming over his desk. A cold sweat broke out along his hairline as he prepared himself to look up into the face that he was sure belong to his boss. As his eyes latched onto the person standing there, he found himself wishing that it was Gibbs instead. Somehow the wrath of Gibbs was easier to take than the wrath of Abby. And at the moment, Abby was wrathful as evidence by the akimbo arms and the glare she had learned from Gibbs.

Trying, and failing, to conceal his terror, McGee pasted a smile on his face, “Hey, Abs.”

“How long before you were going to tell us,” amazingly the glare intensified with each word.

“I don’t know what,” McGee paused. Lying wasn’t going to help and for some strange reason he knew just what she meant. “I guess soon. I didn’t say anything at first because I wasn’t sure if it was serious.”

“Is it?”

There was no hesitation, “Yes, very.”

Abby’s arms dropped and the glared turned into a smile, “McGee! I want to meet her. Dinner tomorrow night. The whole team.”

“Ah, Abs…”

“No, McGee,” the glare was back, “the whole team. No more secrets, cause look how well it worked for Tony.”

The ‘hey’ that Tony threw in, confirming that he was listening, was enough to cause Abby to shift the glare to him for a moment.

McGee sighed. He was beat, “Okay, dinner tomorrow.”

Suddenly Abby was hugging him, “This is going to be great! I’ll arrange everything.”

As Abby skipped off back to her lab, more likely to make dinner reservations than to run ballistics, Tony looked at McGee, “What was that all about?”

McGee sighed again, “Abby wants you all to meet my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend,” Ziva and Tony asked at the same time.


The first time he’d ever seen her had labeled her the Anti-Abby. She had short, cropped blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, was wearing a light pink, tailored business suit, and moved as if she had modeled. That night as McGee tried to get the next chapter of his novel finished, he typed out the first meeting between McGregor and this beautiful woman now a new character in his book. He even called her “Zelda” the complete other end of the spectrum than “Amy.” After seeing her for the second time and hearing the soft lilt of her London educated-Scottish accent, he changed all the Zelda’s to Zoey’s. It seemed to fit better. After the third time they saw each other and the first time they spoke, he changed all the Zoey’s to Jewel’s. Her name was Gemma, after all.

That first conversation had lead to coffee (well, tea for her) and coffee had lead to dinner and dinner had lead to him learning that she was only the Anti-Abby in appearance. In the seven months they had dated, not once had she worn black. In fact, he knew that she owned only one black dress that stayed tucked in the corner of her closet. And the cool reserve that she projected was just a façade for a warm and funny personality that reminded McGee at least a little of Abby.
Secretly, as he watched her finish the last of her make-up and put on her jewelry, he couldn’t wait to see the contrast and similarities in person. He was sure that Abby wouldn’t be wearing anything like the high-waisted, under the knee, green pencil skirt and cream and green striped shirt with full, elbow length sleeves that Gemma was wearing. And Abby would have fallen off the cream three inch heel Steven Madden shoes by now. Still he bet Gemma would make herself comfortable with his team, pretty quickly.

Turning, she smiled and posed, “Presentable enough for your team?”

“Too amazing for them, more like,” he smiled as she blushed.

She straightened his tie and adjusted his collar and lapels, a nervous habit. It was the only indication in her cool demeanor that she was nervous. His smile grew. He was grateful to see the rare, small chink in her armor.


“They are late,” Ziva sighed as Tony played with a breadstick.

“Nope,” Abby had been bouncing in her seat for the last fifteen minutes. “I told McGee half an hour later than everyone else.”

Gibbs gave her a look, “Why, Abs?”

“Cause, McGee’s always 15 minutes early and Tony is always ten minutes late.”

Another ‘hey’ rang out from Tony.

Abby continued as if she hadn’t been interrupted, “I figured if I did it this way, then we’d all be here when they arrived. Had I known that Ziva was bringing Tony, well, then I’d have just told him 20 minutes later.”

Gibbs and Ducky laughed at her, but they softened the tease by Gibbs rubbing her back and Ducky patting her hand.

Ziva looked prepared to speak, but was interrupted by Abby jumping out of her chair and squealing, “They’re here.”

All eyes at the table (and a few other tables attracted by Abby’s waving) turned to look at the entrance. There McGee stood, arms linked with a beautiful and young blond.

“Way to go, Probie,” Tony whistled, looking at the figure coming towards them up and down. A hand connected with the back of his head and he turned to glare at Ziva, “Ow!”

“Don’t be a fox.”

“Wolf,” everyone automatically corrected Ziva’s idiom while they joined Abby in standing as the couple neared the table.

McGee smiled a greeting, “Ah… Gemma, I’d like you to meet my… co-workers… and friends…”

“Wait,” she tugged on his arm, “let me try. Ladies first,” she walked to Abby and extended her hand. “You must be Abby Sciuto.”

With another squeal Abby engulfed the girl in a hug, “Right!”

She hugged back, but seemed relieved when she was released and could extend a hand to the only other woman in the group, “Officer Ziva David?”

“Ziva,” she nodded and took the offered hand in a firm shake.

She next turned to the men, “Dr. Donald ‘Ducky’ Mallard?”

Ducky gently took her hand, “A pleasure, my dear.”

“You’re Scottish,” her other hand came up to cover his as pleasure filled her face. “Tim said you were English, but under the American and the Eton there is some lowland Scot. Right?”

Ducky beamed, “Correct. It would seem we are countrymen. Glasgow?”


“I, too, could hear it under the London educational system. Although, you bare a striking resemblance to a Lincolnshire girl I once knew.”

She bounced once. “Really my mum’s from Lincolnshire, perhaps you know her?”

“Sadly, no. The young woman I knew passed before you were born,” true sadness filled his eyes and suddenly she was hugging him. “Now, now,” he patted her back, “meet the rest of the family.”

Nodding, she pulled away and greeted, “Agent Gibbs?”

Gibbs took her hand and muttered a greeting, but she noticed that his attention was focused on Ducky.

Finally, she offered her hand to Anthony DiNozzo and she noticed that his attention was on her breasts. A head slap from Ziva changed this.

McGee moved to her side and placed his hand on the small of her back, “And, everyone, this is Gemma Cavendish.”

Only Abby and Gibbs noticed the way Ducky’s head snapped up at the name.


Dinner went remarkably well. By some type of silent accord, everyone decided that it was going to be pick-on-Tony night. McGee decided that seemed like an extremely fair trade, since most of the time it was pick-on-Tim days. So, stories were told and jokes made and mostly the conversation ebbed and flowed like it does between people that have known each other for many years. McGee was feeling decidedly more relaxed until Gemma froze next to him.

Turning slowly to look at her, he expected to see something wrong, but not the horror that was written on her face as she stared at her right hand. Realizing what was wrong, McGee chuckled slightly and covered her hand with his, “It’s okay, Gem. You just left it on the dresser when you put your moisturizer on.”

“Thank god,” her eyes slipped close for a minute as her whole body seemed to deflate slightly. Opening her eyes, she wiggled the fingers of her left hand at him, “Give it here.”

“How did you know I’d have it with me,” he laughed as he dug into the inside pocket of his jacket. After a few seconds, he pulled out a silver-toned ring.

Grabbing it from him and kissing it before slipping it back onto her finger, she sighed, “Cause after I went bloody nuts and pulled you from bed to go back to the Jeffersonion with me to get it the night I left it on my desk, I knew if you had seen it you would have picked it up.”

“That must be some ring,” Abby smiled as she put out her hand in the universal signal of ‘let me see.’

“Not really,” Gemma laid her hand in Abby’s. “It’s actually steel, but it is one of only three things that my mum has of my dad, so I guard it pretty carefully.”

Ziva leaned forward to see it better, “It doesn’t seem to be all there. McGee did you lose a piece of it?”

Gemma laughed, “No, my mum did. The ring originally was two interlocking pieces of steel, but when… Well, let’s just say my parents had to go different ways once and she gave my dad back the other half of the ring. When they were reunited, the ring was to be reunited as well. Unfortunately, the route my dad took was more dangerous and he… ah… never made it through.”

“Oh, how sad,” Abby’s eyes filled with tears. “How old were you?”

“The zygote age. Mum was just a week or two along. She hadn’t even known and he never knew.”

“Wow, that had to be rough,” Tony gave a low whistle as he shook his head.

Gemma rubbed the ring, “At least mum was able to spend several years with the love of her life. She says that the memories are better than nothing.”

“What were the other two things,” there was a strange coldness to Ducky’s voice that made everyone look at him.

Gemma merely blinked in confusion.

Ducky leaned forward, his posture and his voice demanding, “You said there were three things of your father’s that your mother has. What are the other two things?”

“Oh,” Gemma shook her head clear and responded. “A little king from a traveling chess set that she turned into a necklace that she wears everyday. And me!”

“Duck,” Gibbs tone was questioning as he stared at this oldest friend, who currently looked horrified.

Ducky’s head shook, “It is nothing. I’m sorry, my dears, I must cut my part of the evening short. I need to head home to mother.” He was up and half across the restaurant before anyone could remind him that his mother passed four months before.

Abby’s fingers pressed into Gibbs’s arm, “Gibbs?”

“Yeah, I’ll handle it.” He stood and fished a credit card from his wallet. A kiss pressed to the top of Abby’s head and a credit card pressed to her palm, and he was striding from the table.

Abby shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips, “I guess I’ll need a ride home, now.”

“Not a problem,” McGee and Ziva answered together.


By the time Ducky reached his Reston home, Gibbs was sitting on his front steps waiting for him. He didn’t want to think about the laws - both of traffic and physics - the man had broken to beat him there, although he was sure they were numerous.

In silence, Ducky ambled out of the Morgan and up the step to the front door. Of course the benefit of nearly two decades of friendship was that words were unneeded, so Gibbs just followed him into the house. They slipped off their coats and hung them side by side on the hall coat rack, before once again Ducky took the lead as he headed for his upstairs sitting room.

Gibbs moved behind him, silently studying his colleague and friend. There was definitely something wrong with the older man, but he couldn’t seem to place it. It just seemed that an overwhelming sadness, much greater than the one he experienced just a few months prior at his mother’s death, had settled over him. It appeared the moment he had first laid eyes on McGee’s girlfriend and grew through the course of the evening, until now when the depression engulfed him.
In the sitting room, Gibbs settled into the settee that he normally occupied and watched Ducky pour two large scotches. Before he even offered one of the glasses to Gibbs, he drained one and poured himself another. Handing Gibbs the other glass, Ducky moved to the painting of an old English rail station that covered the wall safe. Gibbs watched in fascination as he swung away the painting and started turning the dial. Abby would be upset to know that he was going to open the safe without her there. For years she had been pleading with Ducky to let her see what was inside, but he had always refused.

Turning towards Gibbs, Ducky held out a small jewelry box, “I think this should explain everything.”

“Hell, Duck,” Gibbs whispered as he opened the box and stared at the contents.

Inside the box was a small queen chess piece from a traveling set and what was obviously the interlocking piece of Gemma’s ring. Everything suddenly changed.


“Doctor Mallard, what are you doing here,” Gemma stared in shock at the older man as he stood in the doorway of the lab.

“Actually,” he stepped into the room, “I was hoping to speak with you in private.”

Her eyes narrowed, “Why? Is this about Tim and me?”

“No, I just… need to have a word… in private,” Ducky’s eyes flicked to the other lab assistant.

“Okay,” she relented. She turned to the other man, “John, I’ll be back and I’ll bring those other films with me.”

He merely nodded.

As she led him through the maze of hallways, she looked back over her shoulder, “How did you get into this part of the Jeffersonian?”

“I know one of the curators. He also helped me locate what department you were with. You should have told us you’re a film restorer and historian. Tony would have been thrilled.”

She ushered him into an office, “I’m saving that for when he decides I’m not good enough for his ‘Probie.’ I just regret not having something for you. It seemed pretty clear the other night that the child of an unwed mother isn’t fit for Tim in your eyes.”

“Oh, my dear, nothing could be further from the truth.” He motioned towards a chair and at her nod sat, “My malaise and distress was strictly to do with my own past and feelings. You see, I have something that belongs to you.”

Gemma stared at the box in his outstretched hand for a moment. Taking it, she moved to the other side of the desk and sat down. It took a moment for her to realize what she was looking when she opened it, but when she did, her eyes became fierce, “Oy, is this come kind of sick joke?”

“No, I assure you, it isn’t. You look even more like the girl from Lincolnshire in your blue lab coat.”

“I don’t believe you.”

He nodded, “If you are called Gemma Cavendish, then your mother is going by either Sapphire or Virginia Cavendish. She’s blond with slightly greener eyes than you. She’s an inch or two taller about 5’8”. She… How much do you know about… her past?”

Gemma ran her finger over the chess piece, “I know most, if not all of it. But I want you to tell me. Especially about the end.”

“Very well,” his voice tightened slightly and he had to clear it before continuing. “Your mother’s name was Sapphire. She was an operative and an Empath and very good at what she did. We were partners for many years. I was the cool bastard, as Jethro would say, but she was warm and caring, most of the time. Although, she disliked working with other Empaths. Our last assignment ended… no it was a trap. We remained locked in our space prison for just over five months. During that time, we… well our partnership evolved and strengthened. It was by no means a joyous time, but it wasn’t as horrible as it could have been simply because we were together. A team; consisting of Silver, Mercury and Jet; was sent to help us escape, once our location was discovered. Silver insisted that we separate. Your mother and I knew this was the wrong course of action, but we weren’t the lead operatives anymore. I was never a craftsman like Silver, but I made your mother that ring during our time together. Your mother made everything wait until I could recreate it into two pieces. She slipped one half on my pinky and the other on her ring finger. Then she kissed me and pressed the queen into my hand. I can still feel the warmth of her hand in mine, her lips on mine. It was the last moment I ever saw your mother. The next day I went to our meeting place as planned, but instead of Sapphire, Jet was there. She shared a memory with me. It was the memory of your mother’s death. Obliviously it was a false memory.”

The two tear tracks down Gemma’s cheeks were the only indication of emotion, her voice was steady, “Mum was injured in the escape. She was taken to…”


“Onyx,” Gemma smiled slightly at the additional confirmation. “She was taken to Onyx for healing. She was unconscious for a few days. When she woke Onyx told her about me and Silver told her about you… that you were killed. She said that when they wouldn’t show her your body, she searched everywhere for you. When she couldn’t find you, she went to the Authority and demanded to be given a human life.”

“I did the same, however I went immediately after my meeting with Jet. I just couldn’t imagine working without Sapphire. Living without has been hard enough,” his hand briefly rubbed across his eyes, trying to control his weaker human emotions. They sat in silence for several long minutes each lost in their own thoughts and memories.

“Why,” she asked, finally breaking the silence.

“Jealousy,” he understood that she was asking why the others had done what they had. “Silver wanted your mother and my job. Jet wanted me as her partner.”

“I hope the transients got them by now.”

He chuckled slightly at this vindictive idea.

Gemma picked up the piece of the ring from the box and wiggled her own ring finger at him, “May I?”

“Please,” Ducky smiled, “it has been nearly a quarter of a century since it has been whole.”

After a few missteps the ring finally slipped back together. Suddenly the ring glowed a brilliant blue and the two people in the room went momentarily rigid. When they relaxed there was a third presence in the room, however this was merely a voice.


Gemma grabbed her head as pain from the new telepathic connection raced through her brain. He was by her side in an instant, holding her head to him.

{Quieter, Sapphire, Gemma’s never dealt with Level Five Telepathy before.}

{Gemma? What is happening, Steel? Is Gemma alright? Is she dead? Am I dead?}

The pain and confusion that accompanied Sapphire’s communication caused Gemma to nearly convulse in pain. Ducky quickly pulled her from her seat and switched places with her. Carefully, he pulled her back onto his lap, cradling her and holding her to try and stop some of the pain.

{We’re all very much alive, my love. Please, try directing your messages just to me. The shock of the telepathy and the empathy is too great for Gemma still.}

{Perhaps it always will be. She was born when I was fully human.}

{True. This is better; she’s not shaking as much.} He ran his hand up and down her back, resting his cheek on her crown.

{She’s safe with you.}

{Absolutely, Sapphire. Silver and Jet betrayed us.}

{I know. I knew then. I could still feel the remnants of our connection, perhaps because I was carrying your daughter. But the authority confirmed that you were gone.}

{Jet intensified her memory of your injury so that she shared your death with me. I made the authorities give me a human life.}

{And who is that human that hides you?}

{Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard.} Ducky’s whole body filled with her laughter. {Yes, I always was bad at picking names, Virginia.}

{I like Virginia Cavendish, Ducky.}

They both enjoyed the moment of banter. It felt right. It felt real. And for a few minutes they just enjoyed the gentle and familiar caress of their connection.

{Come to Washington.}

{I wish all my powers had been caught in the ring. I’d be there already. I need to make arrangements. I’ll take the first flight I can find.}

{It can’t be soon enough.}

{Steel… Ducky, I’ve missed you.}

{I’ve missed you, too, Sap… Virginia.}

Ducky felt the connection sever. His eyes slipped close as he unconsciously pulled Gemma closer.

“You’re done,” she whispered against his chest. The waves of communication she had felt flowing off him had ceased.

“Yes, I’m sorry that caused you pain. The first time or two can be quite painful, but then your body adjusts and it becomes very pleasurable.”

Gemma chuckled, “I think those were Mum’s exact words when she explained sex to me.”

Ducky laughed as well, “They are both very intimate acts. How about we make a rule, we’ll never discuss sex again.”

“You didn’t mind the teasing the other night,” she tilted her head to look at him.

“That was before I realized you were my daughter.”

“Your daughter. I like the sound of that,” she snuggled closer to him.

With a smiled he kissed the top of her head. “As do I, love, as do I.”


When McGee got home that night, he had been shocked to find that Gemma wasn’t there and that there was no note on the refrigerator or computer telling him when she would be back. He had tried several times to reach her both on her cell and work lines with no luck. Finally, he gave in and called her old apartment, where she still officially lived, not that she spent any nights there. After speaking with her roommates he discovered from John, a co-worker of hers, that Ducky had gone to see her that day and she never returned to work after that.

Utterly confused, he called Ducky’s Reston home and was shocked at the voice that answered the phone, “Gemma?”

“Tim! Oh, I’m so sorry, love, I forgot all about you,” Gemma sounded just as shocked as he was.

“Well, I appreciate that,” he scoffed into the phone. “What are you doing at Ducky’s?”

“I’m… ah… well… um… We’re having bangers and mash,” he could see her brow knit in annoyance at being fluster in his head. She hated being flustered. “Tim, do you think you could come out here? A lot has happened today and I just don’t want to do this over the phone.”

McGee sank into his computer chair, “Are you breaking up with me?”

“Oh, Timothy,” she cried out, “why would you think that? I love you.”

“I know, baby, I’m sorry. I love you, too. I’m just really confused and a little worried,” McGee sighed.

“Trust things are going to get more confusing, but everything is fine. In fact, it is wonderful. I just really want you to come out here,” she paused and he could barely hear Ducky talking to her. “Oh, Ducky says the weather is going to take a turn for the worst, so we can stay here tonight. Can you bring me some work clothes for tomorrow?”

McGee nodded, before realizing that she couldn’t see him, “Of course. I’ll be there in about an hour.”

“Thanks, love. We’ll see you soon,” she ended the conversation, leaving him staring at the phone for a moment.


Ducky had been spot on about the weather. By the time McGee had figured out everything that Gemma would need to dress for work, plus a few thing that he still wasn’t sure what they were but he’d watched her use them so he threw them in as well, the mist they had experienced all day had turned to rain. The rain had turned to a heavy driving rain on the drive to Reston. A couple of times he considered turning back and going home, but he needed to know what was going on and why Gemma was with Ducky. So, he plowed onward, driving the Porsche with the type of extreme care he’d used when he had first got it a couple of years back. By the time he pulled behind Ducky’s Morgan in the driveway, he could barely see and his hands hurt for gripping the wheel. He hoped this was worth it.

Steeling himself to go out in the downpour, he grabbed the duffle that he’d used for their clothes. As quickly as he could, he got out of the car and sprinted for the house. His race up the porch steps came to a sudden stop. There sitting on the threshold was his girlfriend. She was wearing the tank and yoga pants she kept at work to go to the gym. Her hair was pulled back by a headband and she looked completely relaxed. None of this was astonishing enough to make him stand in the pouring rain, however. It was the fact that her head was resting on Ducky Mallard shoulder as he sat next to her, his arm around her shoulders.

The smile she gave him when she looked up was the happiest, sweetest smile he’d ever seen on her face. She held out a hand to him and he moved fully onto the porch and out of the rain. He had expected her to want him to help her up, but instead she tugged him down to sit with them. Undisturbed by the fact he was soaking wet, she turned from Ducky to give him a hug and kiss before settling in his arms.

Tightening his hold on her, he sighed, “What’s going on, Gemma?”

“Hush, Tim. We have time for that later, just watch the rain for now,” she snuggled against him.

He fell quiet, but he didn’t watch the rain. He watched as her hand intertwined with Ducky’s and he noticed that the ring she wore was now double the size it had been that morning. Something hinky was happening.


“Okay, go over it again,” McGee sat with his elbows on Ducky’s kitchen table, rubbing his face.

“Look,” Gemma wrapped her arms around one of his and propped her chin on his shoulder, “you don’t need to understand all the other stuff. That is confusing to me and I was raised knowing about the Authority and Time Agents and all that stuff. All you need to understand, at least for tonight, is that Ducky is my father.”

“How,” McGee looked up at Ducky.

Ducky flushed slightly, “Timothy, I’m sure during your time at MIT you must have taken a biology course or two.”

“Well, yeah, but that was human biology. Not,” his hand waved up and down at Ducky, “whatever biology.”

“There really isn’t much of a difference, at least not in assigned human form. And, I am fully human now, Timothy. I surrendered my Elemental being over twenty years ago,” Ducky moved to the stove to get the now whistling kettle.

Removing the cozy from the warmed teapot, Gemma looked at him, “What about the telepathy? How come you and Mum can still do that?”

“We couldn’t,” Ducky poured the boiling water over the tea leaves in the pot. “Not until you put the ring back together. Somehow some of your mother’s ability must have gotten trapped in the ring, but couldn’t be released until it was whole. However, telepathy is not strictly an Elemental trait. Humans can be gifted with it quite easily.”

“Telepathy? Like hearing each other’s thoughts,” McGee stared at them again.

Ducky shook his head slowly, “Yes and no. It is most common thought of as that, but actually it is a much more controlled activity.”

“This is ridiculous,” McGee stood from the table and started pacing. “First, you tell me that the woman I love is the daughter of my colleague and a man I respect greatly. That I could have handled. I mean it is shocking and very weird, but it is also pretty amazing and wonderful. But, before I can even get used to this idea, you tell me that the woman I love is the daughter of aliens.”

“Elementals, please, Timothy,” Ducky interrupted. “We’re… they’re part of this world, just different.”

“This can’t be happening,” McGee covered his face with his hands.

Gemma stood in front of him and took his hands from his face, making him look at her. “Do you love me any less?” At the negative shake of his head, she continued, “Do you think less of Ducky now?” Again another no. “Would you rather I have kept this from you? Created this huge secret that could have driven us apart?” His head kept shaking no. “Then I… we had to tell you everything. Tim, I’m happy about all this. I’m thrilled to have had found my father and to know that he is all that my mum ever said he was. Plus, he’s someone that already cares for you. Tim, you needed to know all this, because families don’t keep secrets from each other. And as far as I’m concerned, you are going to be a part of my family until we die,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

When the kiss broke, McGee looked up, gratefully noting that Ducky had busied himself with the tea. Releasing Gemma, he went to the older man and extended his hand, “She’s right. I’m sorry, I was just shocked. This changes nothing about my feeling towards you or Gemma.”

“I know, my lad. It is just a rather lot to digest,” he pulled the taller man into a hug.

When they parted they both resettled at the table, this time Gemma opting to sit on McGee’s lap. They sipped the tea for a few moments, until finally McGee spoke again, “Gemma made a valid point about families. What about the team? Are we going to tell them?”

“Jethro already knows that Gemma is my daughter or at least he knows that she is most likely my daughter.” At their surprised looks, he clarified, “When he followed me home, I showed him the ring and the chess piece. Jethro is nothing if not an intelligent and perceptive man. He figured it out immediately. I would assume that Abigail knows as well, since I’m sure when he returned home that evening she would have been concerned that I was alright and wouldn’t have given him a moments rest until she was sure.”

Gemma looked at McGee, “You didn’t tell me that Gibbs and Abby were together.”

“They’re not and they are. It is a really complicated thing that no one really understands or talks about,” McGee just shrugged his shoulders.

“So, if they know, then Ziva and Tony probably know,” Gemma guessed.

Ducky shook his head, “No, I assure you that Jethro and Abby have always kept things between us in the strictest confidence; they have known for years about my past. We’ll have to be the ones to tell Ziva and Anthony. Although, I think it would be prudent to merely tell them about the familial relationship.”

“Oh,” Gemma suddenly remembered an important detail to tell McGee, “I forgot to tell you. Mum’s coming for a visit!”

“When,” McGee asked, looking slightly panicked.

“Day after tomorrow,” Ducky answered, smiling.

The little color that had returned to McGee’s face drained away completely.


As so often happened in their line of work, the day after tomorrow had ended up being the start of a new case. The idea that they would have to deal with trying to find out who killed a young Sergeant Williams instead of going to the airport with Gemma had left both McGee and Ducky in rather murderous moods themselves. Ziva and Tony were giving McGee plenty of space, while Jimmy Palmer was trying to think of any excuse to be as far from the morgue as possible.

Hearing the autopsy doors slide open, Ducky growled, “I’m not a magician, Jethro. I don’t have anything yet.”

“Wow,” Abby skipped over to Ducky and laid her chin on his shoulder. “Jimmy said you were a bit off today, but you must be very off, if you couldn’t tell the difference between me and Gibbs, Duckman.”

“I am sorry, my dear. I’m afraid I’ve been a bit beastly today,” Ducky took a deep breath and moved slightly away from the table.

Abby followed Ducky as he moved to lean on the opposite table, “This got anything to do with a certain blonde’s mother coming for a visit?”

“How do you know about that,” Ducky narrowed his eyes at the goth.

“Timmy had a bit of a freak down in my lab yesterday.” She hopped up to sit on the table while wrapping her arms around Ducky’s shoulders, “Not everyday that you meet the mother of the girl you love, after all. Especially after finding out that your friend is her long-believed dead father,” the last part was whispered against his ear.

Ducky shivered from the feel of her voice in his ear, “Our Timothy has had a time of it the last day or so.”

“What about you, Duckman? How you doing with everything? Nervous about seeing Gemma’s mom again?”

“Well, I will admit to be rather anxious, in the sense of being rather keen to see her. Twenty-five years is a long not to see someone you love,” Ducky smiled as Abby hugged him tighter.

“You know, you’re pretty sweet,” Abby kissed his cheek just as the autopsy doors slide open to admit McGee. “Wow, McGee you look like you just saw a ghost or got attacked by a Roomba. What’s the matter?”

“They’re here,” McGee and Ducky answered together.


By some coincidence of the Universe, the doors on both the rear elevator and the main elevator slide open at the exact moment. The trio coming out of the rear elevator consisted of a nervous McGee, a hyper Abby and smiling Ducky. The trio from the main elevator consisted of a nervous Gemma, a stoic Gibbs and smiling Virginia Cavendish. Gibbs continued onto his desk where Abby joined him, happily perching on the arm of his chair. Gemma, Virginia, McGee and Ducky all continued until they met in the middle of the bullpen. McGee was going about to speak when Gemma put her hand over his mouth and pushed him towards his own desk.

They stood silently. It didn’t matter that they were standing in the middle of a crowded office, their eyes were locked solely on each other. Slowly, Virginia put out her hands, palms up, in front of her. Ducky placed his hands on top of hers, palm to palm. Neither spoke as they continued to stand seemingly spellbound.

Suddenly, as if wires that were holding her up were cut, Virginia sagged against Ducky, her arms wrapping around his waist. His arms wrapped tightly around her, his hands grasping her shoulders. He turned his head enough to kiss the spot beneath her ear. In response she also turned her head, this time his lips met hers in a tender kiss. Several more kisses followed, each a little longer and more passionate. Finally, remembering where they were, Ducky broke the kiss.

Cupping his cheek, she pressed their foreheads together, "It’s been a long time."

“It has been a lifetime,” Ducky turned his head, forcing Virginia’s head to turn as well, and looked at Gemma.

He reached out an arm to Gemma, inviting her into their embrace. Moving from McGee’s arms, Gemma raced towards her parents and wrapped her arms around them tightly.


{You’ve been trying to create a time break.} She sent the message as she ran her fingers over the eclectic assortment of objects.

{Yes.} He moved up behind her, his hands settling on her hips. {Copper and Diamond have always been responsible for North America; they were always terrible gossips. I thought maybe they would tell me about what ever happened to Silver and Jet.}

She turned towards him, taking a step closer so that his arms encircled her waist. Her arms rested on his shoulders, her fingers running through the hair at his temples.

{We always have thought a great deal a like.}

{Oh?} He pulled her closer for their lips to meet.

Her lips met his, but their conversation continued.

{Why do you think I own an antique shop?}

{That’s why we were such wonderful partners}

His hand splayed across her back.

{Are.} She corrected him as she deepened the kiss.

“You’re going to be doing that a lot aren’t you,” there was laughter in her voice as Gemma came into the room.

They broke the kiss, but remained in each other’s arms. Virginia’s eyes twinkled as she looked at her daughter, “I would imagine. Speaking of snogging, where is your Agent McDee?”

“McGee,” Ducky corrected as he moved to the sideboard to pour drinks.

Virginia looked at him, “That’s right! McDee was the doctor who… Never mind. So, love, where is your Agent McGee?”

“Our Agent McGee,” Gemma tossed a wink at Ducky, “is finishing up some paperwork and then heading home.”

“I thought we were going to have dinner, so I could get to know him,” Virginia perched on the couch to look up at her daughter. Most people seemed more authoritative standing, but Virginia had perfected the art of the upwards glare.

The look that Virginia was giving Gemma reminded her of the look that her mother gave when she was twelve and broke a Qing Dynasty vase. Just like then, she immediately confessed, “I thought you’d like an early night…”

The drink Ducky was pouring spilled slightly as he turned at her, blushing.

“I merely meant that Mum might have a little jet lag,” her violently flushing scarlet face, belied her words. “I thought that Mum might be a little more relaxed after… Aw, hell, I really don’t want to have this conversation.”

“What conversation,” Virginia asked innocently.

“The one happening in my head that I’m not sharing with either of you. So,” she went over and kissed Ducky’s cheek, “I’m just going to go. Have fu… No… I’ll just say good night.” She quickly crossed to her mother and gave her a kiss as well. Heading out of the room and the house, Gemma called over her shoulder, “Good night.”

Virginia watched the doorway where her daughter had just disappeared, “This must be sublimely strange for her.”

“Well,” he handed her the cut crystal glass with a good measure of Scotch and settled next to her, “I think she thought it was all a bit hinky.”

“Hinky,” she raised her eyebrow at him.

“One of Abigail’s words. It means something that just seems extremely strange or odd without any real evidence.”

Her hand cupped his cheek, “I’d have thought your eyes were enough evidence. Gemma has your eyes.”

His hand covered hers as they sat in silence for several moments, allowing themselves to enjoy each others presence. As they sat, Virginia’s eyes wandered around the room, taking in the small things that made the man she had known as Steel now Dr. Ducky Mallard. Her eyes kept being pulled back to the photographs on the mantle. A gentle kiss to his hand, she stood and crossed to the fireplace and picked up one.

“What is it,” he finally asked when the quiet finally seemed to grow uncomfortable.

She turned and looked at him, sadness in her eyes, “Your family.”

When she had turned, she had also turned the picture towards him. It was a picture taken a few years before. Abby was in the middle (as she was in so many of their photos), he and Gibbs flanking her with their arms around her waist, Ziva was next to him with her head on his shoulder, finally McGee and Tony bookended the group. Abby had insisted on having it taken at some event or another, because they didn’t have enough pictures of the team with Ziva. Looking at the picture, he held out his hand to her. When she was settled next to him, he wrapped his arms around her and pointed to each individual in the picture, “Anthony, Jethro, Abigail, Ziva and Timothy. Yes, each of them is a member of my family. A rather unique family, but family.”

“She reminds me of Jet,” her finger tapped, angrily, against the glass that covered Abby’s image.

“There is a physical resemblance,” he agreed. “However, Abby is an extremely sweet and effervescent young woman. Before a week’s time, I would have thought that the closest thing I’d ever have to a daughter would be Abby.”

Her head dropped to his shoulder, “She could be your daughter with Jet, she’s got your light eyes.”

“Abby’s eyes are green and it would be completely impossible for Jet and I to have a child.”

“Would it,” she turned her face up to him, a small smile on her lips.

He was unable to resist kissing the smile from her lips, “Yes, my love. Sapphire…”

“Virginia,” she gently shook her head. “Please, I like my human self. Let’s only be Sapphire and Steel when we communicate privately.”

“That is an excellent suggestion… Virginia, I just want you to know that as much as I care for and love these people, I want to regain some of the time I’ve missed with you and Gemma. If that means returning to Scotland, I’d be happy to go.”

“Oh, Ducky,” she kissed him this time, “I don’t want to waste more time either, but I don’t think Scotland is the place for you, or Gemma, anymore. Your family is here and I believe that Gemma is creating a family here, too.” Her finger traced the image of Timothy McGee in the picture she still held.

Ducky smiled at the photo, “I believe you are correct. What do you propose we do?”

“Right now, I propose you show me the rest of the house or at least the bedroom. Tomorrow, you shall tell me all about this Timothy McGee. Then, we shall allow time to take its course for once,” she stood and tugged him up with her.

Taking the photo from her, he placed it on the end table, “You always were the one able to see thing clearer.”


The bedroom was almost completely dark, but she traversed it with ease breed of eighteen months familiarity. Even without aide of light, she knew how to avoid the slippers he’d abandoned a little too far from the bed and where exactly to drape her robe for easy access in the chilly morning. She also knew he was watching her as well as he could in the dim light. Lifting the sheets and comforter she crawled towards his warmth.

Looming over him, she smiled, “I am completely knackered.”

“It was a good day, but utterly exhausting,” he agreed as he pulled her towards him.

“What I can’t believe,” she settled her head on his chest, “is that after all those months of planning, it was over so quickly.”

He sighed, “It was worth it, though. Gemma looked beautiful and the ceremony was perfect.”

“Yes it was,” she whispered. “Know my favorite part?”

He muttered something that sounded vaguely like a no. The champagne, exhaustion and Virginia’s warmth were seeping into him, lulling him to sleep.

“Watching you walk our daughter down the aisle.”

His eyes opened slightly, “That was my favorite part as well. Getting to place Gemma’s hand in Timothy’s was a very special moment. I never thought I’d walk anyone down the aisle.”

Virginia kissed his jaw before rolling over while pulling his hand along to force him to spoon behind her, “It will be special when you walk Abby down the aisle.”

“Who said I was walking Abby anywhere,” he nuzzled into her hair.

She yawned, “Her eyes. She looked so beautiful in her blue dress and looking at her watching everything happening today, I could see that she is ready.”

He smiled and kissed the back of her neck. He loved the fact that Abby, Gemma and Virginia had gotten so close over the last year. Their relationship had been strained at the beginning, but a gift of a spa weekend that first Christmas had changed all that. They had returned as family, just as he had hoped.

“I just hope they wait till our Grandchild could be the flower girl or ring bearer,” Virginia interrupted his thoughts.

He sat up slightly, “Is Gemma…”

“Not yet,” she nudged him back to the mattress with her shoulder, “but I don’t think it will be long.”

“Oh,” he whispered as he relaxed behind her.

After the silence went on for such a long time, Virginia assumed Ducky was asleep. She was nearly asleep herself when a message entered her head from him.

{Sapphire?} This was their private code left for the most intimate of moments.

{Yes, Steel?}

{Thank you.}


{Our daughter… our past… our present… our future… being here… loving those Ducky loves… loving me and the human I’ve become… letting me love you and the human you’ve become.} Pure love flowed from him to her with the message.

{You’re welcome… and thank you for all those things as well.}

{I love you} Sapphire and Steel sent the message at the same time.

“I love you,” Ducky and Virginia spoke at the same time.

ncis: het: mcgee/ofc, ncis: het: ducky/ofc, sapphire & steel: het: sapphire/steel, ncis: het: gibbs/abby

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