Title: Rage Against the Falling of the Night
Pairing/Characters: Larry/Megan, Charlie
Rating: T
Summary: Megan wakes up
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Nope
Notes/Warnings: This is a Wormhole Fic.
Disclaimer: I may own a calculator, but that doesn’t mean I own Numb3rs.
Rage Against the Falling of the Night )
Comments 7
First to my gal, tvjunkie1013, who so kindly posted the fic for me while I’m locked away at a business conference. She is definitely the best friend a girl could ask for! Go read her stuff and love her as I do… Ha… only the kids and hubby could do that, but whatever. Love you, sweetie!
Second to our emmademarias for giving me a tiny preview of the prompts so that I could write this before being locked away on said business trip. Thanks again, deary!
Finally, I know the waking seems a little hokey, but my mom has scars from my dad waking up after emergency surgery and totally freaking out. So, it does happen.
waking seemed fine to me - After a bronchoscopy, I've been told that I swore at the random people in scrubs wandering around the recovery room and tried to yank whatever they had attacked to me off...
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