The Dragonborn's Diary #10: It's true, the girls all love a hero.

Feb 08, 2013 22:38

I had to kill a dragon today and Brelyna was there when I used my Voice. As a result, there is a new light in her eyes when she looks at me and I feel as though I couldn't get rid of her now, even if I wanted to. Obviously, my being Dragonborn has raised her opinion of me manifold, which actually makes me a little sad. I would have preferred she liked me for myself.

This morning I made my way painfully to an apothecary called the 'White Phial' situated in the market of Windhelm looking for the means to cure the disease which had beset me, Rockjoint I believe it is called.

As usual, the proprietor of the store tried to involve me in his petty problems. Meanwhile, there I was feeling as sick as a dog. I'm afraid I cut his ramblings off and demanded to see his wares before I heard half of what he was prattling about.

Seriously, do I have 'PATSY' written on my forehead or something? Why does everyone think that I am eager to hear their woes and solve their problems? I may be Dragonborn, but it wasn't yesterday that I was born. Sheesh.

Anyway, despite this, I can't fault him for his apothecary skills. I took the draught as soon as I could and am now feeling much more like my old self again. And this time I stocked up on the potion.

That problem having been solved, it was now time for Brelyna and I to continue on with the errand that I promised Ormund we would do... Sigh. Maybe I should change my name to 'Patsy' after all.

Brelyna was eager to leave as well. There is a lot of bad feeling towards her race in Windhelm and what with that lout last night I can't blame her for wanting to be gone. So, despite the lateness of the hour we made our way to the stables to fetch Dobbin and head off.

That's when the dragon showed up.

Initially, it flew overhead causing consternation all around; they really are magnificently terrifying beasts. Then it attacked a horse and that's when things started to go strange.

Instead of fleeing in terror and letting the beast take its prey off somewhere else to eat, the guards and local farmers all started attacking it. I have no idea why they did this. It was only a horse and the dragon was obviously just hungry. Why put your life on the line for a bloody horse?

I've just had a thought... Perhaps this had happened before... Yes, that would explain it. Having a dragon drop in regularly for dinner would definitely be something you would want to put a stop to.

Still, that doesn't explain why Brelyna immediately jumped into the fray as well. It certainly wasn't her fight. Maybe she had some new attack spells that she wanted to try.

But, because she got involved, so did I.

The poor dragon never even saw me coming. It had so many attackers about it-even rider-less horses were attacking it strangely enough-that I was able to get nice and close before letting fly with my 'Force' shout. In the end, I think the poor thing died before it even realised it was in any real danger.

Still, now my secret is out and no doubt rumours will be all over Windhelm in no time. I just hope that they don't get to Winterhold. Which reminds me. I must have a chat with Brelyna about not telling anyone at the college my secret when we returm. I much prefer being known there as William rather than 'the Dragonborn'.

That's enough for now. Brelyna is fast asleep bundled up in both our bedrolls to keep warm while I keep watch and tend the fire of our roadside camp; neither of us had wanted to spend another night in Windhelm. We are below the snow line here, but it is still very cold and I have to go and collect more wood.

More soon.

Author's notes:

It's been over a week since I last updated this blog. I have been busy and the other writing I've been doing took precedence over this. Also, I have not been able to play Skyrim, which is sort of necessary considering...

There were two weird things about the events portrayed above.

1. The horses became involved in the battle on their own, even my own horse raced off to attack the dragon. I don't understand why the game designers have done this. It seems to me that horses would be natural prey for dragons and that they would know this and run for their lives.

2. Fighting and beating the dragon (or using Voice in her presence) obviously triggered something in the Brelyna character. Because I had completed her quest I was now able to have her as a follower, but killing the dragon has obviously increased the level of commitment. When I asked her to wait for me at one point, the character almost begged me to promise that I would return for her. It will be interesting to see what else has been triggered in this support character.

brelyna, apothecary, voice, skyrim, patsy, windhelm, dragon

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