The Dragonborn's Diary #7: I think I'm in lust...

Jan 16, 2013 15:58

A lot has happened to me since my last journal entry so I'll try to be brief.

Turns out I may have been wrong about Tolfdir.

I'm not sure where he got to during the night I spent alone in the ruins of Saarthal, but he turned up the next day just as I was getting to the end of the Psijic mages' test. In fact, I probably wouldn't be here at all if he hadn't helped me fight the undead monster that lay at the end of that damned test; he interfered with its source of magical power long enough for me to be able to defeat it using my dragonborn shout.

After we'd defeated the monster Tolfdir immediately sent me back to tell the arch-mage about what we'd discovered and now the whole school is abuzz with the news. I left out the bit about my using a dragon shout and must get back to Saarthal as soon as possible to try to get Tolfdir to keep my secret.

So, all-in-all that little field trip proved very beneficial in the end. I not only gained some nice loot (and a new dragon shout) from a hidden cache I found on the way out, but have also gained instant fame at the school.

Which brings me to Brelyna.

Most people wanted to talk about Saarthal and what Tolfdir and I had found, but not Brelyna. She's a dark elf, and quite an attractive one at that to my eye, though it seems her kind is not much welcomed in the province of Skyrim. Anyway, instead of wanting to talk about Saarthal she wanted my help with her magic... Despite my having shown no great knowledge of magic in her presence.

I've been around the traps long enough to know an invitation for dalliance when I'm presented with one and, as she is a comely lass, I was very happy to spend some time with her.

True, there were a few dicey moments when she did actually use untried magic on me, but it wasn't as dangerous as it appeared for most of what happened was simple illusion. And all-in-all it turned out to be well worth the late night as she eventually ended up in my bed...


Author's notes:

Three things here.

1. It's interesting that the college still doesn't appear to know about my being the dragonborn. I know now from other sources that displaying the dragonborn's power is a way to gain entrance without doing the normal test, so it would seem that there are quests specifically for the dragonborn built into the setting. It will be interesting to see what triggers them.

2. Brelyna's magic supposedly does transform the character into multiple different forms, but that's not how it appeared to me in game play. The game supposedly switches to third person to show this event occurring, but from my perspective Brelyna simply turned away from me to do her magic while I watched on from behind. If the game had shown all the different forms appearing where my character had been standing then having my character actually go through a series of transformations would have been more believable, but as it was, a series of illusions is a more realistic explanation as to what transpired.

3. Ever since I heard that player characters can marry NPCs in Skyrim I've been experimenting with just how much you can get followers to do in-game. With Lydia I was able to get her to sit with me at a table once after so much mucking around that I gave up trying anything more difficult. As a follower (the main reward for 'help me with my magic' mini-quest) Brelyna seems much more biddable, perhaps she is better designed, or perhaps Winterhold is better designed, or perhaps I'm just getting better at working with the limited options available. It will be interesting to see how far the game lets me go.

saarthal, brelyna, no doors., dragonborn, skyrim, winterhold, tolfdir

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