The Dragonborn's Diary #2 - Forget the damned dragons, beware the wrath of giants.

Jan 05, 2013 16:47

I have just witnessed the most amazing event, which has changed completely my thoughts about this world.

This entry must be brief as my housecarl and I are on a mission that by its nature is both urgent and best spoken little of. More on this later, perhaps.

Anyway, we were on the road when a dragon flew overhead. Fearing the worst we headed for cover and prepared to defend ourselves. However it soon turned out that we were not the target of the dragon's predation for it began attacking something a little further down the road.

I'm dragonborn. And supposedly, killing dragons is my destiny, though how that duty and the name fit together I can't quite see.

Anyway, against my better judgement, I decided that I should try to help the poor sod being attacked by the dragon. So on we rode only to find out that the dragon's prey didn't need any help.

This dragon's length was at least ten times my height. Its prey was a giant. Three times my height? Maybe. Still dwarfed by the dragon, right? Should be an easy victim, right?


The giant, wearing only bearskins for armour, beat the dragon to death with what looked like the branch of a tree.

I was flabbergasted. Sure, the dragon was stupid trying to beat the giant on the ground when it can fly, but still, it's supposed to be the big nasty terror beast.

Anyway, like I said before, I'm dragonborn. Part of this means that when a dragon dies I can capture its soul to make myself more powerful. I'm some kind of walking soul gem for dragons, I suppose.

So, not wanting to lose the opportunity, I moved up close to the dying dragon, fearful at every step that this giant would start laying into me at the same time. The giant just stood there and watched me warily as I took the dragon's soul and then quietly moved on amazed at this singular event.

It was only later that I realised the true possibilities I what I had seen. I'd been told that giants and their mammoths were a known quantity, and that they would leave you alone if you didn't bother them-part of the scenery even.

Thanks the gods for that.

Imagine giants, wielding steel weapons and armour and mounted on mammoths, riding into battle against you. For me that has become a really scary possibility. Because, to make things more interesting, it seems they are wise enough not to go looking for fights when they don't need to.

Forget the dragons. Beware the coming of the giants!

Author's Notes:

Skyrim is nice in that the random events aren't all targeted at the player, and also that they can be avoided. This is not the first time I have been able to avoid a nasty confrontation through thoughtful play or good luck.

It's also rather nice that such NPC encounters are decided using the combat mechanics of the game rather than in a predetermined manner. By the way, this is why I think the giant won.

I can't be sure of course, but I think the dragon lost because their power level is based more tightly on the power level of the player and since I was at the time a level 6 wimp, the dragon's power was not all that great, less even than the giant's possibly.

giant, skyrim, dragon

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