Aug 08, 2009 05:25
For the life of me I can't seem to sleep during the night anymore... I stay up till the sun friggen comes up! THEN I start to get tired WTF?!? When I do get to sleep, I sleep till like 5 p.m. uhg ε=(~Д~;) Today felt like a waste, all I did was clean a little bit then played FFXI all day... My life is so fail right now。。。 I decided to soak in a hot bath today cuse my back started hurting me for some reason. I totally fell asleep in the bath tub for like an hour! It was kinda funny when I woke up cuse it was so relaxing, I didn't want to get up. ;w; So I downloaded Pandora Hearts 1-13 today and watched ummm the first 3 episodes of them, I'll prolly watch the rest of the 13 later today. <3 streaming anime on my PS3 or Xbox... Anywho! Ya know what I'm in the mood for! FKING WHITE CASTLE! YA THATS RIGHT! IDK why I want it... I'm just craving it alot lately... I can't wait till I move back! White Castle is like., RIGHT FRIGGEN DOWN the street from where I'll be living!
Hmmmm.. OH! Also I think Scott is going to have to call Sony and get a thingy to send his PS3 in cuse its atrifacting like mad yo! Which usually means the GPU is dying ;w; only thing its out of warranty and it'll be like 150 bucks to send it in and have them repair it.
Curses! I only hope that I'll get back into my regular sleeping habbits soon cuse this is horrible. Other than the above, things are peachy! I started playing Persona 3 because, I NEED TO FINISH FRIGGEN GAMES!!!!!!!!!! (⊃д⊂) I'll have to updade my games list soon since I have MORE games to beat.... Prolly going to do that after I wake up. Well off to TRY to sleep.