Jan 06, 2005 22:20
Time for a wicked politically incorrect entry.
I'm sick of hearing about all of the freaking money that this country is sending to help the tidal wave victims. I know, I know, you're all saying, "What an inconsiderate, uncompassionate ass", but hear me out. We can send millions of dollars in government funds to Indo-China but we can't supply our military with bullet-proof vests. We as individuals can send checks to "Tsunami relief funds" but we can't throw some spare change in the Salvation Army kettle or in the box of the guy standing outside the market trying to help out those in drug rehab programs. Companies can pledge millions to help rebuild homes in Indo-China, but our elders can't afford prescriptions, our veterans are begging for spare change on the street corner and the VA has to close hospitals. Does it seem a bit backward to anyone else? America is NOT the world's guardian angel. We are not obligated to help these third-world nations. I am not opposed to helping other nations, just opposed to letting them come before this nation. In that respect, I guess I'm selfish. Why should I send food all the way to Vietnam when there's pantries right in Quincy supplying food to the needy? Shouldn't one take care of issues that directly impact him before he oversteps his boundaries? Sure, it's lovely to think of ourselves as the great helper in the world, but when the great helper needs help, who comes to her aid? If a tidal wave hit Boston tomorrow, God forbid, would Indo-China, India et al. send money, food, aid workers, etc to America? Highly doubtful. China? Probably not. The former Soviet Union? No way. To be fair, Britain would show up. It's not that I'm opposed to helping the needy, I just feel that in doing so, one should help those closest to himself first. Take it on a very simple scale, you know three people who need a glass of water and you only have a small bottle, the people are your best friend, an acquaintance and someone from Omaha who you've never seen before. Even if you split the water, who gets to drink it? The same should be true for this kind of aid. Help those close first, then send what's left to the others.
Just needed to get that rant down, I feel better now.