Nov 30, 2004 16:17
HEYHEY children im so happy. ok well today when i got to school i was so tierd but now it just whore off i mean wore off lol. At the end of the day today i got a happyness hug from my boyfrind anthony he is sososososososoooooooooooo sexy! DAMN SEXY! hehehe well anyways yeah. Today im not sure what i feel like doing but on friday i ahve to do sumthing with my sexy bitches. HAHAHA! yeah i luved that movie polor express when i saw it with my home dogs j/k Dana and Ashli!! WOOHOO!!!!!! There were a lot of hotties! woo tey turned me on so bad! just kidding doodoo well tomorrow i want to give anthony my b/f a hug sosoooooooo bad! HE is jsut so hot sweet sexy and THERES a whoole lot more! woo... yeah so techinally im not single sorry! I luv sk8ters there so hot i just have to teach my friends how to skateboard i taught my friend ashli a little so yeah
im almost ther but i now have to show her some of the coolo moves like tricks yeah! I wanted to go to the greenday concert so bad! but i didnt cause well idk y? AHhhh my cousin when they came for thanksgiving it was so much fun but except for the part where my cousins were biting mr when i was talkign to anthony on my cell in the car so everyone was like what t he hell! AHh im so sad and mad casue my wink wink friend is in a bitchy fight so im in the middle so im like ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it seems as if my b/f doesnt want me to be around him! SO IM JSUT LIKE AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!