30 Days, 30 Posts: Day 7 - Your Zodiac Sign And If You Think It Fits Your Personality.

Apr 04, 2011 20:56

My zodiac sign is Gemini. I am only one person, so already the zodiac is on shaky ground.

Astrology is bunk.

Everything you will ever need to know about astrology is in this video clip:

image Click to view

The quality of the video may be low, but the quality of content is pricelessly insightful...

Day 1 - Your Current Relationship; If Single Discuss How Single Life Is.

Day 2 - Where You’d Like To Be In 10 Years.

Day 3 - Your Views On Drugs And Alcohol.

Day 4 - Your Views On Religion.

Day 5 - A Time You Thought About Ending Your Own Life.

Day 6 - Write 30 Interesting Facts About Yourself.

Day 7 - Your Zodiac Sign And If You Think It Fits Your Personality.

Day 8 - A Moment You Felt The Most Satisfied With Your Life.

Day 9 - How You Hope Your Future Will Be Like.

Day 10 - Discuss Your First Love And First Kiss.

Day 11 - Put Your Ipod On Shuffle And Write 10 Songs That Pop Up.

Day 12 - Bullet Your Whole Day.

Day 13 - Somewhere You’d Like To Move Or Visit.

Day 14 - Your Earliest Memory.

Day 15 - Your Favourite Tumblrs.

Day 16 - Your Views On Mainstream Music.

Day 17 - Your Highs And Lows Of This Past Year.

Day 18 - Your Beliefs.

Day 19 - Disrespecting Your Parents.

Day 20 - How Important You Think Education Is.

Day 21 - One Of Your Favourite Shows.

Day 22 - How Have You Changed In The Past 2 Years?

Day 23 - Give Pictures Of 5 Guys/Girls Who Are Famous Who You Find Attractive.

Day 24 - Your Favourite Movie And What It’s About.

Day 25 - Someone Who Fascinates You And Why.

Day 26 - What Kind Of Person Attracts You.

Day 27 - A Problem That You Have Had.

Day 28 - Something That You Miss.

Day 29 - Goals For The Next 30 Days.

Day 30 - Your Highs And Lows Of This Month.

memes, 30days

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