World Backup Day - Check your backups

Mar 31, 2011 08:04

Today is World Backup Day.

There are some good deals there for cloud-style backup systems.

But more importantly, today should be a reminder for us all to review our backups of our precious data.

And even for the smug folks like me who have backups sorted, today is a day to check your data restores properly.
  • If you have no backups, check the deals out and sort it out.
  • If you have backups, review that they're covering everything you want - then do a test restore!
  • If you're smugly assured that everything you care about's safe in the cloud (on LJ, Twitter, Delicious, etc), consider grabbing an offline copy using a backup script or the built-in tools. No such tool? Complain!

Later today, I'll be doing a test restore or two, followed by a quick review of what and how I backup.

Don't leave it until it's too late...
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