30 days, 30 posts: 4 - Your Views On Religion.

Mar 03, 2011 21:51

Before I go into such a touchy subject, I want to define what I mean when I talk about religion.

For the purpose of this discussion, religion is a collective of people brought together by common belief, method of worship and expression of spiritual beliefs.

In other words, I'm talking about groups of people here - not one person's beliefs.

That having been said, what are my views of religion?

Religion is bad thing.

In fact, I believe that religion is the worst of human behaviours.

A good person does not need religion to do good. But a good person invariably needs religion to justify being bad.

Religion isn't all bad. It provides support, community and charity.

But all of those things can be - and are - provided without religion too. Nobody needs religion to be good.

But when someone wants their prejudice confirmed? When they want to hurt someone, and need a peer group to affirm that they're not bad for doing so? Well, religion will always be there. Sometimes silently approving, sometimes pushing things along actively.

But religion is what helps good people do bad things and justify them as good things.

I don't care what you believe. I do care about how you treat those you encounter in life. And the more I see how religion taints such encounters, the less and less I like it.

Day 1 - Your Current Relationship; If Single Discuss How Single Life Is.
Day 2 - Where You’d Like To Be In 10 Years.
Day 3 - Your Views On Drugs And Alcohol.
Day 4 - Your Views On Religion.
Day 5 - A Time You Thought About Ending Your Own Life.
Day 6 - Write 30 Interesting Facts About Yourself.
Day 7 - Your Zodiac Sign And If You Think It Fits Your Personality.
Day 8 - A Moment You Felt The Most Satisfied With Your Life.
Day 9 - How You Hope Your Future Will Be Like.
Day 10 - Discuss Your First Love And First Kiss.
Day 11 - Put Your Ipod On Shuffle And Write 10 Songs That Pop Up.
Day 12 - Bullet Your Whole Day.
Day 13 - Somewhere You’d Like To Move Or Visit.
Day 14 - Your Earliest Memory.
Day 15 - Your Favourite Tumblrs.
Day 16 - Your Views On Mainstream Music.
Day 17 - Your Highs And Lows Of This Past Year.
Day 18 - Your Beliefs.
Day 19 - Disrespecting Your Parents.
Day 20 - How Important You Think Education Is.
Day 21 - One Of Your Favourite Shows.
Day 22 - How Have You Changed In The Past 2 Years?
Day 23 - Give Pictures Of 5 Guys/Girls Who Are Famous Who You Find Attractive.
Day 24 - Your Favourite Movie And What It’s About.
Day 25 - Someone Who Fascinates You And Why.
Day 26 - What Kind Of Person Attracts You.
Day 27 - A Problem That You Have Had.
Day 28 - Something That You Miss.
Day 29 - Goals For The Next 30 Days.
Day 30 - Your Highs And Lows Of This Month.

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