There's your problem...

Jul 15, 2010 13:02

The BBC has an article on Boeing's new Dreamliner arriving in the UK.

In talking about the many delays, the article states:
They have also had to struggle both with poor logistics management and with parts shortages, resulting from Boeing's bungled attempt to outsource much of the work to external suppliers. The problems - ranging from less than 100% complete pre-stuffed sub-assemblies...

Now, I'm no expert, but I don't think that your problem is that the sub-assembly was less than 100% complete.

You problem, it seems to me, is that YOU ORDERED PRE-STUFFED SUB-ASSEMBLIES.

Seriously, try ordering the non-pre-stuffed ones next time. Then you can either stuff it up yourself, or not stuff it up and build a plane.

This is why American English is wrong. If they were speaking British English, then this mistake would easily have been avoided...
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