The blonde girl back home

Nov 03, 2019 20:21

Well, I don't know to what degree this matters.

A couple days ago I cooked up in my head the general flow of a story where my "Wild West Wonder Woman" lead gets back together (more or less) with her ex who stayed back in Amazon-land. It was cute, it was romantic, it was safe for all-ages (in many countries)!

And then I started coming up with alternatives, and maybe the ex isn't going to play that exact role, or she's going to have competition. I say competition, but let's be honest, it's looking like it might be a messy ad hoc polycule, and that's, y'know, less tidy.

Still, the idea of someone our hero(ine) spent some unspecified number of decades with before she went on a mission to Patriarch's World & became "Sheriff Apostle" is still there. I think, now, I know where our girl has come from (mostly) even if I don't have any firm plans on where she's going. "The blonde girl back home" is a thing, now, pretty firm, I think. Oh, who knows, it's been like three days since I cooked her up!

But, yeah, one thing. When I was visualizing this character, she was a kind of soft, yellow-haired white woman, a bit shorter than--

--OK, look, the lead's name is Circassia, and she's "Circassia Apostle" for long, because she is "one sent out." I may eventually change that, but this was too much dodging her name in one post--

--a bit shorter than Circassia. But "the blonde girl back home" is arguably an echo of Mala from Diana's story. Mala is mostly a Golden Age character; she's Diana's friend who, I think, ran Reformation Island for a while. Versions of her pop up in the background here & there. I really like Mala. Another version of her is explicitly Di's ex, in the Morrison "Earth One" version.

Maybe I should show some variation. I think it's time I created a Dark-Skinned Redhead. Or something.

I don't know. Also this character doesn't even appear for several episodes of the story, & I haven't a clue what her name is yet.

This entry was originally posted at, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

wild west wonder woman, writing

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