(no subject)

Dec 11, 2015 20:59

Another thing from my trip to the comic shop two days ago:

There was a young man (like 20?) there with an older woman. Maybe his mother or an aunt? She was saying she used to read Archie, and he seemed confused about Archie, and trying to connect it to DC(!!!). I pointed out the new-style Archie comics. He asked what comics I read.

"Um, Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, a lot of Marvel." (Well, that's not a lot of Marvel, really. I've bought three issues of Captain America and one of Howard the Duck recently, and I liked the last Captain Marvel creative team, but I don't really read A LOT of Marvel.)

He started talking about Jonathan Hickman. I said I didn't like Hickman. He said he'd never met anyone who didn't like Hickman. He likes the "slow burn." I think it's too slowly paced. He talked about Snyder who writes Batman, and "Robin War," and had I picked up DKIII? (No, I haven't, but I refrained from saying that I at least mildly dislike the entire creative team individually.)

He likes the Flash. I said it's hard for me to get into because I really like Mark Waid's Flash back in the 1990's, and this is so different. I sound ancient.

I said I was more into Al Ewing. And I read Giant Days, though I didn't explain what that is. I didn't mention that I had just bought Starfire, and mostly favor books with female protagonists (which is probably only barely true anyway, but does make my comic purchases a bit differently weighted than the typical young male customer).

But yeah, we can both read Marvel, and be almost non-intersecting.

Interesting, though. When I see previews on scans_daily, I can gripe about Hickman and say that his stories are morbid and drag on too long--although, granted, I'm going by what's excerpted there--and I don't think I'm really the only one. But yeah, he has fans, and their idea of comics is a little different from mine.

And I'm way too negative in general, I guess.

This entry was originally posted at http://philippos42.dreamwidth.org/148715.html, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

comic books

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