Comics, again

Dec 04, 2015 00:31

I bought comics.

Rocket Girl #7 finally showed up, and I think that's some months late. I haven't read it yet.

The last issue of the current Sensation Comics was on the stands, and I got that because it's the last issue and a Trina Robbins script. This concept seems to have run out of steam. Next month, they're starting some new Wonder Woman limited series, which I'm curious about, but not enough to buy.

Prez #6 was the first thing I read. It's OK, but I'm not happy with DC leaving it hanging here. When are they going to solicit the next issue?

And then I bought this thing that's been sitting on the stands for weeks. Secret Wars: The Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse. I had briefly glanced at the inside once before, and gotten the mistaken impression it was actually a guide to the Marvel multiverse, with short entries for a wide range of different alternate realities. A-ha no. Not even a little bit what it says on the tin.

No, it's like a really arbitrary assortment of Handbook of the Marvel Universe entries. Some of the Future Foundation kids, some players in the two "Secret Wars" series Jim Shooter wrote back in the 1980's, a few other weirdos. It really does feel like a very bizarrely selected bunch of Who's Who entries. I'm calling this one "Five bucks down the drain."

This entry was originally posted at, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

rocket girl, prez, comic books, sensation comics

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