The superhero's boyfriend

Jan 12, 2015 00:22

Why Steve Trevor is the best male role model ever - Will Shetterly...Wonder Woman has been saving Trevor's butt for as long as she's existed, and he's never been threatened by it, nor has he ever been emasculated by it. As I've said before and will say again, that relationship is my model for my relationship with Emma.

(I understand why lesbians want Wonder Woman to be a lesbian. What they don't understand is that a lesbian on Paradise Island is no different than a straight man in the US. To Amazons, Wonder Woman's love for Steve Trevor is queer.)

Will Shetterly gets it.

I am not a Steve/Di shipper (outside of the period in the 1970's where he was back from the dead and in on the secret identity). I got into Wondy in the 1990's, and that version of Steve was basically out of the book and married to someone else. But that dynamic, of a female lead who is a powerhouse with a male significant other who is closer to baseline, still holds for other Wondy boyfriends like Trevor Barnes and (to a degree) Jonny Double, and it's a good dynamic that pop culture could use a lot more of.

I reserve the right to prefer Shetterly's own super-couple in the Captain Confederacy Comics to Steve and Di, as characters. There the guy wasn't so much physically weaker as willing to concede power and position to his girlfriend, and actually did so. That's a good theme too.

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steve trevor, wonder woman, will shetterly, captain confederacy

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