Oh good, I got to the end

May 30, 2014 14:44

I've been wondering if I should stop going further up and further in through the Susan Pevensie tag on AO3. Well, I just hit the last page of the tag! This is pre-movie Susanfic:

Queen of Narnia, by kaydeefalls, is from 2005.

Imaginary Menagerie, by unoriginal_liz, is even older.

Growing Up by sheldrake ships Caspian and Lucy a wee bit, and deals with both Lucy and Susan in England.

All different, all good.

OK, I'm done. I can go back to the first page, maybe see if that Methos-in-Narnia fic has added a bunch of chapters....

This entry was originally posted at http://philippos42.dreamwidth.org/135914.html, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

fanfic, narnia

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