Of course they are!!!

Jan 27, 2014 18:52

OK, since I've been missing days, a short bonus writing meme post to make up for Saturday--which more or less would have been Saturday's post if I had remembered:

It occurs to me that some of the revamps of major comic book superheroes in recent years are not only, "Why haven't we done that yet?" but a bit of, "Of course they are!" That is, "Of course they are!" if you asked someone with only the barest familiarity with the property.

Wonder Woman is Superman's girlfriend? "Of course she is!" as you might be told by someone unfamiliar enough with the mythos to confuse Wonder Woman and Lois Lane.

Spider-Man is black now? (That is, in the "Ultimate" comics) Hasn't he always been?

Going back a little further, we could add more:

The Avengers work for the government, so they're basically a military outfit? Of course!

And Spider-Man has to be an Avenger, right? Of course he is!

So Spidey is a government employee? Uh....

And having a Robin who was literally Bruce Wayne's son may have been playing with that trope.

This entry was originally posted at http://philippos42.dreamwidth.org/129477.html, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

marvel, comic books, dc

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