Dec 30, 2013 17:04

More from AoOO, non-Narnia.

OK, these are from Yuletide, maybe you've seen them:

(o>------ | Ison's journal, if ISON were a blogger. Nutty, cracky, and a bit sad.I went, "So like dude, look Jupiter is totally into you, but ze thinks that you like totally know and that you're not interested."

And Earth was all, "Oh, for crying out loud, that's just downright silly of zir. A planet would have be completely lacking in any sort good sense to turn a body like that away. Ze could have just said something." Earth had a brief and understandable tropical subsystem.

Once Earth had collected zirself, ze asked (and this was so cute), "Do you think ze really likes me?"

"Oh, totes!" Now, clearly I'm all for love and all, but I did have to say, "It is a bit of a long distance relationship."

Earth fluffed some clouds at that. "Oh, honey. I've got people for that. I'll put some on it."

Hello Operator, Please Give Me Number Nine | Susie Derkins plays Calvinball with Death.You didn't wait for me to finish!

"I'm still right! I get free passage to the safety bench!"

You still get penalized for interrupting the clue! You have to walk on all fours and screech like a howler monkey.

These are old ones:

There Are Many Stories About Gaga. All Of Them Are True. | Easily confused with its thematic fraternal twin art is a lie.

This entry was originally posted at, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

fanfic, astronomy, anthropomorphism, death, calvin & hobbes, lady gaga

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