The tupping Angels tupping take tupping Manhattan, heaven spare us

Oct 20, 2012 22:20

I'm going to use some foul language here, not because I'm talking about right-wing politicians. Nope, Scots pop culture writer trying to do "America"--usually a good bet to set me off.

22:20: I've been putting off watching "The Angels Take Manhattan" in part because I really hate the Weeping Angels, which are a glaring case of what's wrong with Doctor Who. But I decided to get it over with. Hey, Alex Kingston is in it, right?

I just got to the opening titles. Sod off, Moffat, she's made of copper, not stone. And we freaking know who freaking built her. And I don't think you understand how populous NYC is; if Lady Liberty were a Weeping Angel, she could never move, because somebody somewhere would be looking in her direction and see her at all times.

Not that that concept for a monster ever made sense anyway. Good grief, did you know that Doctor Who started out with the idea of trying to teach kids a little science and history? Yeah, you wouldn't, what with these monsters that work on nightmare logic. Seriously, you fill kid's heads with this nonsense, and you're working to undermine the scientific mind that's necessary for citizens of a democracy.

Bad enough you use your 45 minutes to make little kids afraid of religious statues, now you want them to be afraid of a major US landmark? Do me a favor and stay on your side of the pond from now on, you pungent Jock lunatic.

Moff's probably a Tory, too. A Scot Tory? It could happen.

Fuck him. No, fong him. No, use him to fong Mark Millar.

23:22: OK, that was an OK ending for the Ponds. And nice to see River again.

And I guess if angel statues are going to be scary, ones that just time-displace you are less awful than ones that eat you? I don't know. Still, the concept is crap.

Sorry for the cussing, I edited it down a little. I was flashing back to my raging hatred of Mark Millar comics there.

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