Oh yes, much whinging about how horrible Artemis: Requiem is.
OK, the art is horrifying. It's young Ed Benes riffing on Deodato riffing on Jim Lee, & it's ass.
I mean, asses. Lots & lots of asses. This is what happens when you show Brazilian artists the late Claremont/early post Claremont X-Men.
But the story, while utter crack, manages to be a mix of, "so bad it's good," & a wild ride that actually manages to justify Artemis being alive again. If you can figure that out, which took me a few years.
I genuinely love this comic, & I seriously love the character of Hank Jessup (the "sassy black friend").
[2012-06-25: copied from insanejournal account, where it was my only post.]
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