Inspired by Shinga Bussell. Open to anybody.
After you read this post, when you have time, go to this link: , play Michael Hedges, 'Aerial Boundaries,' maybe more than once; draw (or write, if that’s more do-able with your computer setup) whatever it inspires, also repost this wherever you want and report back with your work to this page: Comments should be enabled, but if you're not on my access list they will be screened.
ETA: I wasn't real clear. You don't have to be a Bussell, I'm just calling it, "Bussell family drawing game," or, "Bussell," for short, because it was inspired by a story Shinga Bussell told about her family. It doesn't have to be finished art, or pretty, it can be a doodle. The original game was, "draw something while this song plays."
I didn't mean to put anyone off with the big complex photocomposite/render, it's just actually easier to do that on my laptop than draw. Well, maybe not easier, really.
And if you'd rather write something, that's OK.
Also, please repost, it's meant to be a chain letter of creativity. I think I'll start one every few days to a week for a while, with a different song each time.
This entry was originally posted at, where Russian botspam is a rarity.