quotable dreamwidth

Nov 14, 2011 22:53

comment in an s_d thread on one of Oglaf's rare G-rated strips:
...in Incorruptible. Protagonist Max Damage has superstrength and invulnerability that increases the longer he's awake (that's good!) and has totally normal human susceptibility to fatigue and sleep deprivation (THAT'S BAD). It's actually one of my favorite powersets for that reason: simple to explain, capable of great badassitude, with plausible built-in weakness. After a week or so he'd probably be able to crush stars barehanded if he weren't hallucinating he was a gecko.

Oh, so that's how that works! That's a cool power, & cool description.

One thing I like about Superman is that they eventually decided that he could be resistant to physical fatigue but still have a humanoid brain that had to dream. So if he goes without sleep too long he goes a bit nutty: could be hallucinations, maybe paranoia, delusions of grandeur, whatever.

~ ~ ~ ~

from beccaelizabeth's "file off the serial numbers" approach to DCU-inspired character concepts:
In addition to the Talos two I wrote of this morning, who are not Beetle and Booster, I have decided that the Constantine equivalent in this 'verse is glam, instead of punk, and possibly Ethan Rayne. As played by Tilda Swinton.

I think I'd like that better than John Constantine.

This entry was originally posted at http://philippos42.dreamwidth.org/93182.html, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

max damage, tilda swinton, incorruptible, superman, beccaelizabeth

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