A Real Cry For Justice: Help The Cheerleader Who Refused To Cheer For Her Rapist

May 12, 2011 02:32

Help the Cheerleader!
A Silsbee High School cheerleader took her school to court when they kicked her off the squad for refusing to cheer her own rapist.

The week of May 5, 2011 the Supreme Court refused to hear the case citing it as “frivolous” and is requiring her family pay the school $45,000 in legal fees.

We want to help - and we want to give you the opportunity to help too.

This girl was raped at the age of 16. When she spoke out against the star athlete, she had to deal with constant harassment from her fellow students. The administration’s way of coping with this treatment was to suggest she avoid the cafeteria and not go to Homecoming. Her rape counselor encouraged her to continue all the activities she did before the rape, so she stayed on the squad, an activity she loved.

She went to the games and cheered for the entire team, but when it came time to cheer her rapist’s name individually as he shot a free throw, she simply crossed her arms and stayed silent. She was summarily, and publicly, kicked off the squad. Her family went to court.

This entry was originally posted at http://philippos42.dreamwidth.org/79476.html, where Russian botspam is a rarity.

politics, rape culture

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